#01 Complete E-Commerce App Backend Api's Development With Node Js In 9 Hours

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00:05 Developing an e-commerce project with Node.js
04:16 Setting up the basic structure of the Node eCommerce project
13:02 Created usermodel.js, userctrl.js, and routes for authentication.
17:57 Create a new user in the E-Commerce App backend
26:16 Error handling middleware for not found requests
30:06 Create an error handler for the APIs
36:40 Encrypting Password with Bcrypt
39:44 Creating login functionality with password verification
46:04 Generate JWT token for user authentication
49:25 Generate token using ID and a secret key
56:38 Creating API endpoints for getting all users and adding a new user
1:00:20 Create new user and fetch single user by ID
1:06:29 Updating a user in the backend API
1:09:48 Explained how to update user details and prevent errors
1:16:53 Check if the user is admin or not
1:21:06 Decoding and verifying JWT tokens in Node.js backend
1:29:20 Checking if the user is an admin or not
1:32:54 Update user profile
1:40:50 The video demonstrates how to block and unblock users in an E-commerce app using Node.js.
1:45:30 Creating backend APIs for an E-commerce app using Node.js
1:54:17 Generating refresh token and updating user details
1:58:50 Handle refresh token functionality
2:06:34 Creating and handling JWT tokens for authentication.
2:11:03 Handle log out functionality by creating a new route and updating the refresh token
2:21:47 Summary of Subtitle
2:26:40 Creating product model and router in Node.js backend API
2:36:00 Implementing CRUD operations for creating, listing, and fetching products in an eCommerce app.
2:40:06 Create Backend APIs for E-Commerce App using Node.js
2:46:57 Creating, updating, and fetching product data using an E-Commerce app backend API with Node.js
2:50:36 Update product details in the E-Commerce app backend API
2:57:21 Implementing middleware to check if the user is an admin.
3:00:53 Filtering, sorting, pagination, and field limitation are implemented for products
3:07:14 Different ways to filter products based on specific criteria
3:10:16 The video discusses the implementation of filtering, sorting, limiting, and pagination in an e-commerce app backend API development.
3:17:29 Generate a query string in the backend API using JSON.stringify and replace method.
3:20:31 Filtering and sorting are important functionalities in the e-commerce app backend API development.
3:27:48 Learn how to limit the fields in the backend API
3:31:05 Implementing pagination for displaying products
3:37:30 Adding fields to user model and creating password reset token
3:40:35 Implementing password reset token and expiration time
3:46:36 Testing and updating password functionality
3:51:05 Summary of Email Integration
3:57:25 Generate a password token for the forgot password functionality
4:00:24 Creating a password reset token and URL
4:07:05 Handle async request response and hash reset token
4:10:33 User password reset functionality with token and expiry.
4:17:53 Creating the backend API's for an E-Commerce App using NodeJs
4:21:38 Create a controller for handling blog-related operations
4:28:56 Creating and updating blog blocks with Node.js backend API
4:32:10 Implement authorization in the blog update functionality.
4:41:25 Implement functionality to delete blocks and like/dislike blogs
4:45:00 Find the blog by ID and validate the MongoDB ID
4:51:37 Handling like and dislike functionality for a post
4:54:20 Troubleshooting the issue with blog ID not being received in the request body
5:04:35 Implementing dislike functionality for a blog post
5:08:18 Creating API endpoints for adding and removing dislikes and likes on a blog
5:16:50 Creating a new category in the e-commerce app backend using Node Js
5:20:11 Adding and updating categories in e-commerce app backend using Node.js
5:28:15 Implementing category functionalities in the e-commerce app backend API
5:32:38 Setting up model and routes for category in E-Commerce app backend
5:41:05 Creating and updating brand information in E-Commerce app backend using Node.js
5:45:16 The process of adding a product to a wishlist in the e-commerce app backend
5:51:16 Implemented product wishlist and rating functionality
5:54:29 Implementing functionality to allow users to rate a product
6:00:25 Update ratings for a product
6:03:22 Sum all the ratings to get the total number of ratings
6:09:47 Adding users, registering a user, and logging in with the user token
6:13:24 Create a coupon model with name, expiry date, and value
6:20:05 Create E-Commerce App Backend API's with Node.js
6:23:52 Create coupons with specific discount rates for named companies.
6:31:35 Creating routes and functions for updating and deleting coupons
6:34:42 Configuring Cloudinary for file upload
6:40:31 Setting up middleware for image upload with multi-part form data handling
6:43:19 Create file name using unique suffix and date
6:49:47 Resizing and formatting images for product and blog sections
6:53:30 Configuring product image upload and resize functionality
7:00:25 Create a loop to iterate over the files and update the paths
7:03:42 Implementing image upload functionality in the backend API
7:10:32 File upload and image storing is not working
7:16:11 Troubleshooting image upload and deletion
7:23:34 Shift wishlist functionality to user control in product controller
7:26:55 To find the user, use the ID obtained from request.user and call user.findById(ID)
7:32:46 Implementing multiple address functionality and saving user address
7:35:44 Creating product schema and defining its properties
7:43:12 Implementing user card functionality in the backend API
7:46:48 Check if the user and card already exist
7:52:55 Calculate the total cart value by iterating through the products and multiplying the price with the count
7:55:44 Add to cart functionality implemented with product details and user information.
8:02:09 Implementing empty cart functionality for the user
8:05:36 Implementing get card functionality and creating coupon functionality
8:12:08 Invalid coupon
8:16:32 Summary: In this subpart, the user applies a coupon, adds a product to the cart, and checks the total price after the discount.
8:23:23 Generating unique ID and storing payment method
8:26:53 The main point is about developing the backend API for an e-commerce app using Node.js.
8:34:28 Creating order functionality is done
8:38:03 Implementing GET and PUT requests for order information
8:45:00 Update order status and handle errors using try catch
8:49:43 Updating order status and payment intent status


1:46:52 Bro had 35 subs but still had motive to put such great content on internet Hats OFF


Awesome Tutorial, Your React ecommerce project best then other channel and No one has made it. Your work on it is so cool and impressive.


Finally finished it!! It was roller-coaster journey to be fair but was totally worth it!!!


I think this is the best e commerce build tutorial i have seen on youtube


I successfully completed the whole video and thanks to the guy who made this one, if you are someone having basic knowledge of nodeJS this will help you


Hey there! I just wanted to let you know how awesome your React ecommerce project is! Your work on it is so cool and impressive. The way you've put all the different parts together is really seamless and makes everything look and work so well. As someone who's just started web developing, I really appreciate how great it is. Keep up the fantastic work!


I've to say this "you're very helpfull to your viewers. you added the source code for the project after reading the comments." This course really helped me. Thank you


Thank you very much for this video, i think it would have been great to add a description of the different sections you are covering through the 8 hours, or a diagram of the database design. This will be helpful just incase someone wants to reference something they already watched.


Master! Always with the high quality contents you are the best, Thank you


first time in my life I finished a 9 hours Tuto of learning, thank you sir ✌✌✌✌


you are writing code in good way but if u explain "why we are using certain libraries" & "explaining why u are writing code that way" will be huge plus to you and us(the viewers).


Best mern e-commerce project 👌.lot of help me this peoject


hey man, the best real-life emaple in youtube and crash course to undrestand how expressjs works.... thanks for recording and made it free.


you should provide code source too by the way thanks for making this long video which gives a lot of clarity thanks


I watched just 20 miniutes and I was compelled to click the subscribe button. Well done!


I just completed following this tutorial today and I will hopefully start the frontend part very soon. you are just awesome. the way you explain and the way you organize your steps is really what I needed as a beginner. may you stay healthy and have enough energy to help more people.


One of the best tutorials i've seen on youtube, covers almost everything, Nice work man


wow amazing pure backend with postman. thanku so much


the content is amazing, but it is quite long I recommend you to provide timestamps to make us easy to find necessary sections
