React Tutorial - Learn ReactJS and build a simple CRUD app
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Learn ReactJS with this tutorial! React for both beginners and non-beginners. Click on the times below to jump straight to that section:
1) 00:00 - Topics
2) 00:19 - React features
3) 01:35 - Getting started/installation
4) 03:26 - JSX syntax highlighting
5) 03:58 - ES6 syntax
6) 04:29 - Component/class structure
7a) 05:09 - Render and JSX syntax: Intro, className
7b) 06:10 - Render and JSX syntax: JavaScript logic
7c) 07:38 - Rendering lists
8) 08:25 - Event handlers
9) 11:09 - Refs
10) 12:11 - Constructor and binding methods
11 ) 13:23 - State
12) 13:55 - setState
13) 15:10 - Creating/importing components
14) 16:49 - Passing and using props
15) 18:28 - propTypes
16) 20:53 - defaultProps
17) 21:29 - Updating props
18) 22:46 - Lifecycle methods
19) 25:56 - Controlled/uncontrolled inputs
20) 29:18 - Conditional rendering strategies
21) 30:54 - React Router
22) 32:56 - Simple CRUD app: GET
23) 37:37 - Simple CRUD app: DELETE
24) 44:29 - Simple CRUD app: ADD
25) 49:33 - Simple CRUD app: EDIT
1) 00:00 - Topics
2) 00:19 - React features
3) 01:35 - Getting started/installation
4) 03:26 - JSX syntax highlighting
5) 03:58 - ES6 syntax
6) 04:29 - Component/class structure
7a) 05:09 - Render and JSX syntax: Intro, className
7b) 06:10 - Render and JSX syntax: JavaScript logic
7c) 07:38 - Rendering lists
8) 08:25 - Event handlers
9) 11:09 - Refs
10) 12:11 - Constructor and binding methods
11 ) 13:23 - State
12) 13:55 - setState
13) 15:10 - Creating/importing components
14) 16:49 - Passing and using props
15) 18:28 - propTypes
16) 20:53 - defaultProps
17) 21:29 - Updating props
18) 22:46 - Lifecycle methods
19) 25:56 - Controlled/uncontrolled inputs
20) 29:18 - Conditional rendering strategies
21) 30:54 - React Router
22) 32:56 - Simple CRUD app: GET
23) 37:37 - Simple CRUD app: DELETE
24) 44:29 - Simple CRUD app: ADD
25) 49:33 - Simple CRUD app: EDIT