QA403 Audio Analyzer Tutorial (Noise, SNR, THD+N, ...) - Phil's Lab #130

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00:00 Introduction
01:16 QA403 Overview

02:13 PCBWay

03:02 Hardware Overview
04:12 Firmware Configuration
05:26 Test Set-Up
06:14 QA40x Software
08:40 RMS dBV dBu
10:37 Noise Floor
13:56 Common Reference
14:51 Noise Floor (continued)
16:14 SNR
19:59 Frequency Response
22:24 THD+N
26:04 Automated Tests
27:03 Weighting

29:48 Outro
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The greatest thing about this channel is that we always know you are working on some cool project in the background that you'll eventually teach us!


This legit is that only channels i "ring the bell" for. Extremely high quality video production and helpful teaching material. I don't watch every single vid but definitely a lot of them. Good stuff


It was the best educational 30 minutes on youtube! Thank you!


its not my job but i love listening to him all day while i am working ❤


Great demonstration and details, thank you!


I absolutely loved this excellent run through. What's amazing to me is the overall performance of sub $1K test equipment like this and the Analog Discovery 2. Back in 80s-90s, an HP setup like this would be $50-75K with none of the software calculations (you'd have to write HPIB acq code ). Thanks Phil, made my day and I left with a smile.


The QA403 is a rather cool device. Quantasylum also sells other similarly sized accessories to go with it like a load, etc. I use the QA403 mainly to measure DIY amp performance when loaded at 8/4ohm using big 1000w break resistors.

The only advice I can add is a silly but important one, make sure that the voltage delivered to the unit is within its expected range. Some cheap cables or sometimes the lack of a powered USB hub (depending on the PC). The application software will tell you (bottom bar) if the voltage is too low. If this is the case then try to fix the issue before taking a measurement.


Thanks Phil. I’m still inspired by your videos to keep working on my project. I’m just 15 years behind you. 😂


Brilliant video as always - this tool is on my shopping list.


Hi Phil! You lucky guy that they send you the QA403 to review! :D Edit: I prefer a 150 Ohm dummy mic by soldering a 150 Ohm resistor between pin 2 and 3 to measure preamp noise.


hi, what happened with the last video about Chip Antenna? It is not possible to watch it anymore. Thank you very much


Awesome! this bit of kit is on my list and this vid has helped it up a few spaces as you answered some questions I had. Great to know it will feature in vids to come. Did you loop it back on its self and see how the internal generator performs ? (curious) I want to evaluate my own DIY headphone amp as I'm certain its the finest sounding piece of audio equipment ever created !


Would love to see a video about analog dry through mixing with the digital output. All the best sounding pedal designs to my ear use that method and I imagine there are some decent challenges with managing the analog and digital signal mix.


I’d be interested in a measurement episode if your past audio projects. Is there anything planned?
Otherwise a great video again. I own the QA403 for about 2 months now, great device.


Great video again. Thanks. Could you maybe explain the effect of the exposed copper frame along the edges of this board (and others you have designed). There is a surrounding via-fence for shielding for sure but why is the copper pour frame that connects all vias exposed and not covered by solder mask?


Hellow Phil!! Thanks a lot for your videos! I'm designing a device that counts pulses from neutron detectors, calculates average count rate, make some math., display some info, process 20 discrete signals.
So I decided to use stm32f446 + altera max5. I need fpga to implement 10 counters, so I need to choose the way mcu communicates with fpga. I want to use QSPI in memory mapped Mode, to read data from counters, and another spi to control discrete outputs of fpga and read data from keyboard. Am i on the right way, or there is more efficient way to communicate between mcu and fpga?


Phil, do you still do PCB design reviews? I see that on your site and contacted you via the site, but have yet to hear back.


Any recommendation of a book to learn audio electronics from scratch ? :)


hi phil I am from bangladesh. I like your videos and just wanted to let you know that you make good videos. Do you know how can I can improve the knowledge about DSP MIcrocontrller so that I can work with them.. in a efficient way
My goal is to make autonomous Drone


sorry at a couple hundreds from where ? i see more like 600USD
