Randi Reacts - Thomas Sowell - Facts About Slavery Never Mentioned in School

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This was quite interesting and informative!

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I don’t know how popular these topic reactions are, but I think they are wonderful. The more knowledge that is shared, the more people can make more informed decisions based on facts, not opinion. Thank you.


I think this audio is just an excerpt from one of Thomas's old books The guy talking is just like in an audible clip


I think the clip you're thinking of is a interview with the Hoover institute by gentleman I forget his name but him and Thomas soul doing a sit down interview, over the years they have done it a couple times and you can find them on YouTube.


Randi stated that slavery (in part) was introduced to the United States? She may want to find a history book, and see that the indigenous people of the Westen Hemisphere practiced slavery thousands of years before Europeans landed in North America. So slavery was not introduced to North America (she erroneously called the United States). One should be aware that the United States of America was formed around1776 separating from England, and the run of slavery in the U.S was from 1776 to (emancipation proclamation, announced by the Republican Abraham Lincoln) 1865. That is 4 score and seven years, or 87 years of U.S. slavery. Not hundreds of years. Slavery was stopped by the civil war, and thousands of white army men were slaughtered in that cause.


I know alot of kids (I used to be a teacher) who were told that the book/movie Roots was almost gospel. And they are always surprised to find out that even Alex Haley admitted that it was a myth. Some parents were even more surprised and a few were actually really hostile, as if the authors and the movie industry doesn't embellish everyones history. Some were not surprised, it just depends on how open minded they were. But yeah, the movie industry and fiction books are not the best place to learn history. People need to hit the Non-fiction section of the library for history books. Some fiction authors do a better job of writing non-fiction, but others don't bother doing much research before they write it.


This audio is from the audiobook of his book .


Interesting video on the origins of slavery that people don't seem keen to discuss ! ... I'd be interested in seeing / listing to the TS video you thought you were showing Randi, if you get time ... I was under the impression that Roots was about his true ancestry, I'm sure I've read that there was quite a bit of controversy about the book & film years after the release ... another good video Randi


Taken from Thomas Sowell's audiobook. Another person is reading.


Good morning Randy I hope you have a great day


another extract from Thomas Sowell relates on the origins of black culture... really interesting, maybe you could react on it...


12:38 This is wrong. Spain did it three centuries earlier, with almost no struggle. Check out the wikipedia article "New Laws" (spanish: Leyes Nuevas).

Also the article "Slavery in colonial Spanish America" (although it contains several errors, like calling the provinces "colonies"). From that article: "In its American territories, Spain displayed an early abolitionist stance towards indigenous people, although Native American slavery continued to be practiced, particularly until the New Laws of 1543.", "Prior to the Spanish colonization of the Americas, slavery was a common institution among some Pre-Columbian indigenous peoples, particularly the Aztecs.", "Unlike the Portuguese Crown's support for the slave trade in Africa, los Reyes Católicos (English: Catholic Monarchs) opposed the enslavement of the native peoples in the newly conquered lands on religious grounds. When Columbus returned with indigenous slaves, they ordered the survivors to be returned to their homelands. In 1512, after pressure from Dominican friars, the Laws of Burgos were introduced to protect the rights of the natives in the New World and secure their freedom.
The other major form of coerced labor in their colonies, the encomienda system, was also abolished, despite the considerable anger this caused in the conquistador group who had expected to hold their grants in perpetuity."


No mention of the Egyptian slavery. They held slaves of over 400 years. And know mention of a little told fact of slavery today. It's estimated that, wait for it, 27, 000, 000 people are trapped in some kind of slavery today. Unimaginable isn't it. A fact that very few have heard is that some 90% of govts are somehow involved in the modern slave trade.
I still found this clip informative. I don't recall slavery being a subject at school. I may well have forgotten it.
You looked as if you were truly taken in by these disturbing truths into human history.
Good reaction. Catch you soon. TTFN.


They remade roots ? I never heard about that .


Alex Haley plagiarized his book from another author and lost in court. A lesbian relationship was introduced towards the ending of the movie. Strange. Lol


This is an exert from one of his books. Hmmm not sure if I can recall a specific interview where the focus was facts during slavery although they are peppered thoughout his work. I would look at interviews that focus on this work centred around "myths of economic wealth" or "discrimination and Disparities"

EDIT: It was bugging me😂😂 so I had a look. This⬇️ is a hour long interview discussing the content of the audio book you just listened to. It's a fair bet facts on slavery will be discussed 👍


Ya so it's a show called uncommon knowledge from the Hoover institute. Here is a 58 min interview of Thomas Sowell
there are a couple of them


Wow the oppressor will forever have the upper hand and the victims will clap hands as oppressor rejoice triumphantly.
U cant compare slavery of black people to whites, indian or asian slavery.
It wasnt the same but im glad its black Americans too agreeing with this coz its their great parents that experienced brutal slavery on foreign land so they dont deserve reparations according to them because they love that author so much.
Did melanin people enslave a whole continent with 54 countries with millions of people?
Were indian, asian, chinese and white slaves shipped to Africa or a foreign land?
Did Africans buy white or asian slaves ?
2million melanin africans "slaves" were shipped did indians or asians experience that?
FACT ❗oppressors people didnt need 2 million melanin slaves they were not rich could not afford them.
Those times there wasnt Industrial food processesing machinery farming skills as we have in the modern days THEY DID NOT NEED EXTRA MOUTHS TO FEED
If each slave was 10$ thats 20million$ (R300 million rands in SA) considering the time it would be whole lot of money...
Melanin people left in Africa would've been the richest people on earth we would continue selling slaves plus sell our diamonds, gold etc
Oppressors came to Africa in 15th century thats when African slavery started. The agender was to conquer Africa use its resources for their benefits to execute such a plan on big continent with so many countries with millions of people and rightful owners who looked intimidating big, strong and black they had to use great plan 💁🏾‍♀️slavery, 🔫millions of guns & weapons 🔫
Melanin people were enslaved on their own land.
Imagine you couldn't walk in your street without a permit if oppressor find u without permit they will arrest or kill you 🤨yes they were patrolling the streets with guns.
Have you ever walked in your birth country of your ancestors and most places are written whites only ?
you couldn't enter restuarants or swim by ocean because the board says 'whites only'
When u and your people protest in your own land for thee foreign oppressor to give u rights 😔
They kill you take you in large numbers to jail.
In that same jail u die death reason u fell from 9th floor 😶
Im from South Africa slavery is so raw in SA we got our freedom recently 1994.
Our brothers and sisters saw slavery and brutality of thee oppressor so did my parents.

Whole of Africa only one mine company is owned by black person Kuyasa mining in South Africa mining coal.
There are 1000 plus mines in Africa who owns them ? those are all Africa's riches.
Almost all african melanin people dont own them only 1 look at the bars, percentage, pie chart... consider the rightful owners of the land they own nothing.
753 gold projects, 178 coal projects, 109 uranium projects, 150 diamond projects, 108 platinum projects and 89 iron ore projects

Why is Africa still poor ?
Did they buy the mines ? Myb chinese did from the oppressor im sure
Did they buy the land or just took it during slavery? 💁🏾‍♀️
How much did they pay to be African citizens slavery benefits? 💅🏽
Farmer's in South Africa 90% are whites who gave them the land or who did they buy it from? 🤨
In all Africa black people only 10% are weathly 40% middle class 50% BLACK PEOPLE ARE POOR.
The 10% oppressors here in Africa are our bosses we work for them...they have their own suburbs here in Africa and own too much land.
We are suffering in Africa its still slavery in different system
Myb melanin Americans u very successfull so u in easier place to be shallow about our reparation.

What does the oppressor still want in Africa? Why they can't just leave Africa and its resources let the continent breath n its people live as they did in the past ?
What is so great in Africa that hate us call us monkeys but they wont leave Africa ?
Before slavery the richest person on earth was melanin person Mansa Musa in the 13th century check the aftermath and the beneficiaries.

U must really question your own kind what is this author agender and what is he benefiting from it ?
A melanin person that age who is wise can't be that shallow about black people's dignity NEVER!!
Thee oppressors benefited from slavery Africa's wealth in their pockets their kids still benefiting today as a result... now we shouldn't benefit anything from slavery 🤨
This is a shame melanin people deserve reparation.
