What it FEELS Like to Swing Like Tiger Woods

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Been watching your videos for a long time. It's interesting to see that you've changed your views about being trail side vs lead side dominant. Respect for keeping an open mind and changing your views as you get more information.


Absolutely gold... Use to swing like that until I went down the abyss of YouTube coaching and tried to get in all those weird and wonderful positions that was physical impossible or very demanding on my body... So glad I came across this video..Definitely going back to the clubface release swing.


I just discovered this throwmotion yesterday in my golfswing. For me it was setting the wrists earlier by pushing the handle down at the start of the swing and bringing the shaft in an 45° angle half way back in the backswing. Then i really felt the strenghts to hit hard with the right arm/ shoulder. Before that changes i was a left body dominant player.


Absolutely fascinating. I swing from the right side, but I'm a left hander. Always played just fine and long. But I'm getting older, and am really losing distance. I'll bet that I never really used my trail arm/side much at all. In fact, I used to call the right hand the devil's hand, cause it would mess up my swing. Chuck, if you are correct, this is game changing. Literally. Of course it's harder for me to throw the ball right handed. Left handed no problem. I used to pitch.


Glad I had someone teach me to throw the club with my dominant hand early on in my golf adventure. Went from not being able to break 100 to a single digit handicap in a month. Throw the club underhanded. Keep the club on front of you. Spend the spare time on your short game. Thanks, it isn't as hard as golf wants you to think. 😊


😱😱 this video came up this AM like some kind of prophecy! 54 years old, played in High School and College. Gave up the game due to regular life coming at you .... now trying desperately to rebuild my game after many years and now sporting bad hips... 😔 have been very disappointed in not being able to swing and move my body... Now I have new hope!


I swear to god that I’ve been thinking this for years but bc I’ve always been so bad at golf I was afraid to ruin my swing even more lmao. I’ve been watching a lot of face on videos of pros swings just watching their right forearm and it makes sense that a lot of players are either doing this or trying to do it. Great video


This is the most spot on explanation of the golf ⛳ swing I've ever heard on all of YouTube. Finally, someone understands what I've been thinking 🤔 about for over a decade.


This video was on the front page of YouTube this morning like I was meant to see it. I played college and professionally in the early 2000s as a left side dominant player. I completely gave the game up in 2005 for several reasons. Over the years I thought about what i would do different if i ever picked the game up again. One day I heard Nicholas say play with back to the target and it clicked in my head. 15 years later at 48 years old I came home, got my clubs out and headed to the range. Two years later what has evoled from that is a right handed dominant swing with a full release and im crushing the ball. Im back to a +2 handicap. Now at 50, I routinely hit it 315 to 330. However, my swing has become very shallow (+1.5 to +2.0 angle of attack with 6 iron) leading to an extremely high ball flight. Yesterday i hit balls with the intention of going back a left side hold the face off swing to see if that would improve ball height but after watching your video im going to continue what im doing. I would love to hear your thoughts on improving angle of attack.


Good explanation. It's makes sense, if you're right handed and that's your most coordinated hand, then which hand do you want controling the face, Obviously right. As I've figured out out to feel shots in my hands my game has drastically improved. This is also why I think it's super important for beginners to spend a lot of time chipping and pitching and getting creative wmariund the greens because it allows you to train the feels of different shots at a lower speed, send it high, keep low, put spin on, take it off and skip it....


I’ve always thought this and this is how the release should people call it a flip or a roll but it’s the club just releasing and turning over its letting the club do what it wants to do. It’s been taught out of me and I’m a club and a half shorter in distance now I used to carry 9 iron 150 now I’m down to 140 on a good day. Think I need to go back!


Right hand dominant makes so much sense to mean.I'm happy you made this video. I can't wait to get to the gulf rings to try this out. Thanks for this.
Content and please keep up the good work.


I agree with this, I used to be a lead arm golfer and moved to trail arm golfer. If you think about how you would skip a rock across a pond, the throw comes from the trail side of the body using the dominant arm. Learning to do that throw with non-dominant arm is so key.


Thank you so much for this video! There is so much conflicting information out there! I'm not great, but I'm not a scrub either. Probably a 5-7 hdcp coming off of a very serious back injury.
Ive been obsessively filming my swing and analyzing every tiny detail. And it puts me more and more at a loss simply because I am trying to follow conventional teaching. I noticed myself "casting" a little in my swing. And even though Ive been hitting it long and accurate, ive been trying to "fix" it. It is good to hear that it is not necessarily an issue.


This was incredibly interesting! I play right handed even though I'm a lefty. I'm a former soccer player, and I'm right footed. I think that's why right handed golf felt natural for me, because I'm used to transferring the power through the right side of my lower body. I'd consider myself lead side dominant, because I feel like the golf swing is a backhanded swing for me. This video was really food for thought, because I'll definitely be looking more into the right hand in regards to the release. Not that I need distance as such, I can already hit it around 300 yards off the tee, but and improvements in terms of consistency and narrowing in dispersion is of course valuable, as well as making the swing more effortless, since I'm often suffering from soreness around the left shoulder blade even though I'm relatively young and quite athletic.

So thank you, this was really food for thought!


When I trained for WLD, it felt like there was no max to distance gain because it all rellied on how hard you could yank the club in on the way down and an aggressive throw on the right arm. It's like if a standard trailing arm wrist rotation is like shooting a bow, that pitch flick you put into impact in LD is like a railgun. It's the key to the LD power and speed and is the key to effortless distance. I taught a buddy of mine with the right arm pitch and he was over 280 in 3 months, he's 5'7" and never touched a club in his life. It's been ages tho so he's probably ass now, but the point still stands.


This is alot of mike austin, he is all about the release. I think that more and more golf education is going back to old school swings.


So this is super interesting. I'm a 42 year old 1 handicap. I have been working on power and was feeling this handle pull with my right hand. Recently had a teacher say I'm lead side dominate but really struggled to generate power with it. I think this makes a ton of sense.


I have been watching Tigers swing for a long time. From slow motion to golf pros breaking his swing down and no matter ow hard I try I cannot get in the same release positions I see him in. I have even tried to reverse engineer his position to figure out how he gets there with no success. I am a lefty, and your trail arm explanation is such a different feel I took some swing in the mirror with iron and driver and am the closest I have ever been to a Tiger swing finish. I can throw pretty good and this feel is so much more natural. I will be taking this to the range today or tomorrow and report back. Great video.


This is absolutely fantastic and i'm facinated by what i just saw... I've swong both ways but feel more comfortabe with my trail hand lead. i often felt like i was cheating using my rt hand as my lead hand but now that I know that Tiger does the same thing im good. to me its the easiest way to swing... thanks for your video it has truely eased my mind... now in can play with less stress.
