The Evolution of Bipedalism — HHMI BioInteractive Video

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The human evolution timeline began with bipedalism. Explore the evidence of hominid evolution in this classroom-ready biology video.
Why do humans walk on two legs? The fossil Ardipithecus ramidus sheds light on how and when our ability to walk upright first evolved. Explore this Ethiopian archaeological marvel and the evolutionary history of human anatomy.
Why do humans walk on two legs? The fossil Ardipithecus ramidus sheds light on how and when our ability to walk upright first evolved. Explore this Ethiopian archaeological marvel and the evolutionary history of human anatomy.
The Evolution of Bipedalism — HHMI BioInteractive Video
Why Do We Walk Upright? The Evolution Of Bipedalism
When We First Walked
How we ended up on two legs? Evolution of bipedalism
New Evidence Could Rewrite the History of Human Bipedalism
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Hominid Evolution | Evolution of Bipedalism
Origins of Bipedalism
Bipedalism: The Evolutionary Significance | Human Evolution | Ancient Humans
How Bipedalism Transformed Human Evolution and Ancient Humans’ Anatomy | Evolution of bipedalism
Walking Upright: the evolution of bipedalism in humans!
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