What is ASMR? The Triggers and the Benefits

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ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It's an experience characterized by a pleasurable tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins in the head and moves down the body. ASMR videos are created to trigger these sensations through sights and sounds. In this video I talk about the science behind what ASMR does to your brain, as well as some of the most popular triggers that people use to help induce this feeling.

Janik McErlean, A. B., & Banissy, M. J. (2018). Increased misophonia in self-reported Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. PeerJ, 6, e5351.

Fredborg, B., Clark, J., & Smith, S. D. (2017). An Examination of Personality Traits Associated with Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR). Frontiers in psychology, 8, 247.

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Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.
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I experience both asmr and misophonia. It depends on the situation and context. I love putting on an asmr video but when people are making similar sounds around me I can become intensely irritated. The difference is that I didn’t choose to hear those sounds and it’s incredibly distracting, it disrupts my focus and thoughts. But when I listen to asmr, that is actually the desired effect, it holds my focus on the sounds and silences my thoughts. Like mindfulness or meditation.


I love ASMR, it helps my brain stop overthinking when I’m trying to sleep. It tickles my brain and helps calms it. I relied on it heavily when I had severe anxiety from being in a toxic relationship and couldn’t sleep at night.


This is such a beautiful & educational video. I feel like I can send this to people who don’t get or discredit ASMR. Thank you ❤️


I have never seen anyone speak about Misophonia. My husband suffers terribly with it and the GP’s barely recognise it as real. Thank you so so much for touching on it!


I’ve been consuming ASMR content for almost 10 years now and it’s turn from small, “weird” corner in the Internet to popular trend that’s included in advertising has been extremely interesting. There is still so little research done on it and I can’t wait until we find out more about it and what happens in the brain and body.

Thank you for this very educational and concise video!


Award for best female youtuber goes to you Dr. Tracey. Love these videos.

Very informative, intelligent and easy to comprehend for the layman.


This is one of the most thorough, concise and non-judgmental explanations I have seen ♥️


I use ASMR, massage, medication, therapy to try to help my ptsd, severe depression and anxiety. It does help...I always thought I was weird bc watching people doing something or playing with my hair etc always made me tingly since I was a kid


I really appreciate your work on this channel. Beyond this specific video, you are doing something that really matter and that can improve people life. You seems a very genuin and person, thank you for what you are doing.


Thank you for this video! As someone who desperately tries to avoid ASMR videos because they do nothing for me but creep me out and annoy me, I couldn’t for the life of me understand why it’s so popular and genuinely wanted someone to explain it to me. You did just that!


I have been meditating and praying for over 30 years. This is a very common experience for me when I focus or listen during these times. Tingling starts at head extends to mouth, eyes, downward through entire body. I am very calm and focused during these times.

Thanks for the educational videos. 💕


Dr. Marks, *thank you* for the clearest explanation of ASMR I've ever heard. I have experienced the ASMR physical response but not via videos designed for this purpose, although their content is relaxing. Certain musical passages bring on _frisson_ and I can now predict it with songs/pieces I'm familiar with, but ASMR response is completely unpredictable.


I've been experiencing the ASMR sensation since I was at least 7-8 years old. I think it has something to do with human bonding? I found that my most positive ASMR experiences have been related to recieving personal attention in safe settings devoid of judgment, crowds, and loud noises. Having my hair braided, getting examined at the doctor's, getting my hair cut, being taught how to do a task, etc. were some of my favorites.


ASMR for me feels like screeching nails on a blackboard. I Definitely become unglued.
I accidentally came across a recording the other evening and found it so disturbing I couldn’t sleep all night. This has always made me feel like something was wrong with me. I have no trouble getting in the zone but ASMR is definitely not something I’m going anywhere near. Thank you for explaining all this 🙏🏼


I've been consuming ASMR content for 5 years (that's so long!! I just counted haha). I have experienced tingles only 3-5 times! the first time it happened, I almost dropped my phone cuz my eyes automatically closed & I remember the pleasant waves I could feel on my head. BUT it only lasted for a couple seconds. it was so nice, I wish I could experience that again. even without tingles I still very much enjoy ASMR videos, mostly at night as they relax me and help me fall asleep :)


It's also worth mentioning that before the term ASMR was coined, the community was simply called "the whisper community" and still had an online presence


Massage/hair washing/facials/personal service videos do it for me every time - but I don't typically tingle for them, they mainly induce drowsiness and relaxation. Other random things make me tingle when tingling is not even the desired response.


I'm at my weekly Spravato appointment (TRD) and I watch a FB reel of an impressionist which leads me to his other reels... One is of sounds and tagged ASMR... I haven't heard of that before so I looked it up and there you are with a YouTube video explaining, magnificently!! You really are incredible! Thank you


I love listening to scary stories to fall asleep. I find it (usually) to be extremely calming and makes anxiety go away. I don’t feel any tingling but it relaxes me. Wonder if that’s related? I experience frisson with music quite a bit. Thanks Dr. Marks!


What you share says so much, especially at the 6:10 mark. It is an answer to many undesirable feelings we have and how to ground ourselves back into balance. We can use this tool for any situation. Thank you for sharing all of this. ASMR works for me “and” it has to be the right sounds. No loud crinkles for me. Lol.
