Chess Lesson # 61: How To Attack The f7-g7-h6 pawn structure | Opposite Side Castling Attack |

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We finally have a strong and well organized opening course for White and one for Black. With these and the FREE beginner to master level playlist from this YouTube channel, it’s all about consistency over an extended period of time 😎💪 ⬇️

In this class, we continue mastering the art of attacking our opponent’s king when castled on opposite sides. After a few lessons on this topic, we are finally going to learn how to deal with the f7-g7-h6 pawn structure. You should know by now that we are supposed to use our g-pawn in order to make contact and open lines for our pieces to attack our opponent’s king. However, in this lesson we are going to review a game where a Chess master creates an excellent attack by castling to the opposite side and targeting the h6 pawn. I hope you find it valuable and as always, feel free to ask me any comments you might have!

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Learn how to play Chess the right way from beginner to master level. National Master Robert Ramirez will take you up the pyramid by following a proven Chess training program he has been improving and implementing for over 10 years.

Benefits of Playing Chess:
​- Promotes brain growth
- Increases problem-solving skills
- It exercises both sides of the brain
- Raises your IQ
- Sparks your creativity
- Teaches planning and foresight
- Teaches patience and concentration
- Optimizes memory improvement
- Improves recovery from stroke or disability
- Helps treat ADHD
Chess is an intellectual battle where players are exposed to numerous mental processes such as analysis, attention to detail, synthesis, concentration, planning and foresight. Psychological factors are also present on and off the board; playing Chess stimulates our imagination and creativity. Every single move a player makes is the result of a deep analysis based on the elements presented on the battlefield.

Chess in its essence teaches us psychological, sociological and even moral values. In a Chess game, both players start with the same amount of material and time. The fact that the white pieces move first is considered to be practically irrelevant —especially because a player typically plays one game as white and one game as black. Consequently, the final result of the battle solely depends on each player. It doesn’t matter if you win by taking advantage of your opponent’s mistakes or by simply avoiding mistakes yourself. Truth is that Chess is an extremely individual sport and our defeats can only be blamed on ourselves and no one else. And this, in the end, only benefits us because we learn to be and feel responsible for our actions and never come up with excuses to justify ourselves.

We also learn that when it comes to our victories on the board, our opponent's mistakes play a more significant role than our own skills. Let’s not forget that a Chess game without any mistakes would be a draw. This way, Chess provides us with another valuable life lesson: be humble at all times.

About National Master Robert Ramirez:

With an outstanding background as a professional Chess player and over 8 years of teaching experience, Robert Ramirez brings both his passion and his expertise to the board, helping you believe & achieve!

Robert Ramirez was introduced to the fascinating world of Chess when he was 5 years old and has participated in prestigious tournaments such as the World Open Chess Tournament and the Pan American Intercollegiate Team Championships. Thanks to his performance, he has earned his National Master title from the United States Chess Federation.

Currently, NM Ramirez and his carefully selected team teach at several private schools in the counties of Miami-Dade and Broward and they also offer private lessons. He says the key to their success as Chess coaches is their ability to adapt to every student and to make lessons fun and interesting for students and even their family members.

Рекомендации по теме

We finally have a strong and well organized opening course for White and one for Black. With these and the FREE beginner to master level playlist from this YouTube channel, it’s all about consistency over an extended period of time 😎💪 ⬇


Dear mr Robert, thank you so much for your lessons! My ten year old kept beating me in chess (which should just not happen ;)) so I had to do something. That led me to your lessons. Now my son and I are both watching your instructions so I still have a hard time beating him, but at least I know what I am doing a bit better. Big thank-you from a happy mother! May God bless you!


Awesome. Lots to absorb. Helps me to better prepare for recognizable pawn patterns. Thx.


Thank you so much for these lessons. I haven't skipped a single one, though I am around 1800. I've been as high as 2000 or so, but I stopped playing for a very long time. Plus I never really learned in a structured way. We learned with books and boards. This is amazing. My kids are doing 30 minutes of chesskids each day, but here sometime soon, I'm going to put them thru this course. Can't say enough good things.


Great example & explanation of how to unleash a blistering Kingside attack when the pawn structure was weakened by h6! Bravo


Another excellent lesson. I will continue to comment on your videos in hopes of giving them more exposure. These are great lessons and everyone deserves to discover them.


Great video. Love seeing the tactics to crack the castled king. Will definitely think more carefully before I play h6 as black! It’s great in queens gambit lines vs bishop but not so good just to kick a knight


Saw again and prepared notes thanks coach


Sir. Lessons 59 60 61 are out of this world


You have My fav chess lessons on youtube


Thanks very much for the great ideas. Thanks for sharing the invaluable knowledge. Many bless for GM.


Thanks a lot for the lessons!... I tested Rxg1+ in the engine and it's forced mate in 9 ! 👏


Learning from your video, watching here in the Philippines


Great video to wrap-up the opposite side castling series! Thank you!


This lesson very useful to me. Thank you sir


I went back to watch this video and comment. Attacking is really difficult because it sometimes involves sacrifices, which are scary. It's important to visualize well and not sacrifice material and fail because there was a flaw in our calculations.


Thank u need that I realized understand the castle 🏰 is one of my weakness because I end up doing it to soon or late. This help.


Thanks again for a great video. This strategy opened a door into a new chess world for me:)


Hi, your videos are great 👍🏻. Well I have a question. Can I get fide rating playing online or should I have to play in real life fide rated tournaments? I have been playing for a while on lichess. My question is that is there any website through which you can play fide tournaments?


Are there any of your videos explaining what to do if they decide not to castle?
