Surviving COVID-19: A Daughter's Fight for Her Dad

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Diane's father lay unconscious, receiving oxygen through a tracheotomy, when she was told he had little chance of surviving COVID-19. That's when she knew she had to get her dad, an NYPD police officer, transferred to Penn Medicine for treatment.

A nurse at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Diane was shocked by the damage COVID-19 had inflicted on her once-energetic father, but knew deep down he could make it through with the right care team. As Diane continued to fight with her dad, his health slowly improved, and he was requiring less and less oxygen to function as his recovery progressed. Then, after 136 days in medical facilities, Diane held back tears as her dad, Yvan, was finally healthy enough to return home.

In all, Yvan spend 75 days comatose on a ventilator, but with the help of his daughter and the team at Penn Medicine, he now has his life back.

#PennMedicine #Covid-19 #NYPD
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We need more stories like this. My dad is currently on a ventilator with covid-19. They may perform a tracheostomy tomorrow. Praying to God every day and night until he answers our prayers.


My mom has Covid-19 and is currently on a Ventilator. This video gives me hope and joy.


Reminded Me of my self i got covid last year I was in coma for 5 weeks and was in hospital for 6 months Doctors wanted to pull the plug and told my family only miracle can save him here I am telling my story


My mom is in the hospital on a ventilator fighting Covid-19 my heart is broken and I don’t know which way to turn but am not giving up on her no matter what she is my best friend I need all the support I can get please pray for my mom please god bless you all amen 🙏🏽


Amen. My son is on a ventilator and Dr says he needs an ECMO but none are available so I am believing God for a miracle.


Mom on ventilator now for 20 days. Prayers please. He’s a miracle; Did she say he was on for 168 days ?


My husband has been on ventilator 3 weeks. 10 days ago they told us he wouldn't make it through the night. He is 80% on vent peep is 12 rr is 30. Ct scan reveals small pneumothorax which we are hoping will heal on its on. Doctor says ventilator will start causing more damage as the lungs have lost airspace. I don't know what to do. We've been praying so hard and we will trust in God whatever the outcome. By the way he had no underlying conditions. 55 years old


My mom is going through this at the moment and Im scared.


I am so happy for you. My mother is on a ventilator. Her one lung is destroyed. She is on a ventilator for 3 days. Plz pray. There is a huge pain in my heart


My Mom has the Virus and she's on the Please pray for her recovery
My brother is also has the Virus but he's recovering Please pray for both of them


That is a man that inspires. I'd love to meet him.


My dad is also getting a tracheostomy in a few days and been on the ventilator for almost 3 weeks and he’s been alert but he’s oxygen goes down with doing physical therapy. My family and I are scared for that tracheostomy procedure. Please help with more information?


My grandma is on ventilator now and on high oxygen… doctor says if her oxygen rate is still low they’ll perform tracheotomy for her tmr 😰😰 I don’t wanna lose my grandma


Can you guys please share with me the meds your loved ones were given while in the ICU. In Michigan we can’t get ivermectin or hydroxychloraquine not even inpatient. It’s terrible! Did any of your ICU doctors use it or use the FLCCC protocol? My close friend just got out on a ventilator. She wouldn’t take ivermectin early on (we can get it thru telemedicine and a compound pharmacy can fill it…so far


My dad is fighting severe covid and is in icu for a month now and been intubated for 13 days now i know the pain please pray for him we have done a gofund me to help : miguel villafana
thanks and God bless all


I am so glad for you in my case it was a tragedy. Banner Hospital ER Glendale Az. gave my son a wrong Diagnosis I found the truth through the hospital information portal he did not have pneumonia he was almost clear of covid it was the residual affects of covid they gave antibiotics and prednisone meds lowered his immune system he died lawyers will not touch this cases
