The Moanin' Blues/Gospel Octave Trick! - Ep. 303

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Moanin is a classic jazz tune for a number of reasons. The soulful, blues, and gospel sound that the tune expresses and the amazing solo Bobby Timmons takes utilizing the octave trick that I'm about to show you in this video. EVERYONEEEEE should have this quick little octave improvisation trick in their tool bag. It may not be easy to execute right off the bat but it's VERYYY easy to learn, and I can teach it to you in less than 10 minutes. Here we go!

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Great short video and tip!! Coincidence. I’ve just started adding RH octaves with 5ths of the octave added when comping blues changes. Ex LH Bb chord- any voicing I wanted at the time and in RH octave built off root with 5th in the middle and also octave of the 5th of the chord and the root in the middle. Sounds great and thickens things up!


Cool stuff – I'm a huge fan of Timmons's and octave parallel structures in general, also the Erroll Garner "mixture" variety that grabs a few notes in between (at least the fifth). But I haven't paired them yet with LH chords THAT low. Sounds very cool, though!
OTOH, a caveat to my fellow European jazz pianists: use this texture with care if you're not playing with Americans, lest you'll be scolded for "trying too hard to sound American".


And I have a question if in Augumeted chord there is flat 13
