My parents charged $95K on my gold credit card for my sister's Hawaii trip but when they got home...

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In this video, I reveal an unbelievable situation that turned my life upside down. My parents charged a staggering $95,000 on my gold credit card for my sister's lavish trip to Hawaii, and I never saw it coming. Imagine discovering that your own family used your credit without your permission!

You won’t believe how they reacted when they finally returned home. Did they own up to their actions, or was there a shocking twist? This story is packed with drama and unexpected moments, and I can’t wait to share every detail with you how they used my gold credit card and how it ends up.

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Why the heck is she the only one of four in the household? What she needs to do is shop for the groceries herself and not give the money to her mom. That way the meals can be planned with the purchases. There's no reason they cannot eat what she buys. They all need to get off their butts and find work too and that way that can all have a say in the purchases. When I was a child we ate whatever my mom bought and made; no ifs, ands or buts. No extras at all especially with only the one salary. 😡😡😡


Another suggestion I have is that she should stop providing all the financial support of paying the bills and taxes. If the others see the difficulties of the budget stretching then they might consider helping. If not, I would just move out and get my own place then they wouldn't have any excuses now would they.


$230, 000 paid back working at a restaurant? That would take DECADES. Also, what new card holder gets that kind of credit limit? Impossible.


You don't go bankrupt without warnings.


10, 000. a month for groceries, that's more than I spend all year 😂


How can they charge that much on a credit card? Even if myself buy something more than $1K on my credit card then the bank will send me an alarm to make sure that the transaction is really me doing it. 🤣🤣🤣


If OP is the one providing for the whole family, she should do the shopping to make dure Mom doesn't give any of her money to Mary as pocket money. Or just move out and let them fend for themselves.


Tell the bank those charges are not charged by you and to block the card from further use. Tell them you are refuting the charges.
Tell them to go after your sister.
Stop being a doormat.


Don't buy this story. $10, 000 a month for food? How could Mary pay back $230, 000 to her sister working in a restaurant? and so quick. Wouldn't it take many years?


Um, I know several people that have unlimited credit cards and all of them have a certain amount that can be charged, before calling and asking if the charges are correct. My in-laws have it set at $20, 000.00, so they call at $20, 000.00.


Your parents are showing that they favor your sister over you OP. Move out and let them fend for themselves you are not an ATM . It may not be easy to leave but it’s not harder than supporting an ungrateful family! Mary didn’t win a trip she stole your credit cards and spent 20 thousand dollars! Please remove access to your account. Take her to court. Sue her and press charges!I don’t care if your parents get mad dump this load!


Who else is contributing toward the family expenses, ? Mary should learn to eat WHAT THERE IS not what she wants.


Wow, that's a crazy story! It sounds like you went through a lot. I can't imagine how stressful that must have been. I hope you're doing better now and that you can find some peace. It's great that you were able to take control of the situation and get your life back on track. You're a strong person!


You made a mistake by letting your family know about your credit cards and letting them use them. once it happened it should have not happened the second time. you learn by your mistakes. It seems that grandmother knew how to make them march to the right drummer. (Mississippi Gulf Coast, USA),


There are no pretty beaches in Louisiana!


My bank or cc company would have texted to say there was an unusual charge attempted on my account and asked for approval. This seems like a total fiction.


Why did she not call the credit card company and cancel the card and file for fraud


$10, 000 a month? I spend $200 a month.


Isabella is a fool. Does she really think her parents and sister had an epiphany? They were just tired of having to work and not having their endless source of unearned money. I know this is just a story but I’ll bet there’s a family out there somewhere actually in this spot.


Well, what you do is tell the cedit card company that all the charges are fraudulent, pack your things and leave. If your parents and sister end up homeless and fail at life, thats their problem not yours
