Jonah And The Whale Is Related To Jesus Christ’s Death? #God #shorts #explore #Jonah #Jesus #Bible

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I’m sure many of us have heard of the story as kids and numerous times after “Jonah and the fish.” We were all astonished how a man could live through what he did and how God displayed so much mercy unto him, BUT did you know the book of Jonah is related to Jesus Christ.

How? And what part? It’s related to his death and resurrection! When reading Matthew 12:40 we see the Pharisees and scribes asking Jesus for a sign and he mentions the prophet Jonah how he as well will be dead for 3 days, but will resurrect on that 3rd day.

It’s a part of scripture that is just mind blowing. The book Jonah hyperlinks to the book of Matthew. If you read the story of Jonah as well you will see that the book itself is very prophetic.

Stay in the word you guys! The lord will reveal his mystery unto you if you seek it. Be blessed!
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