'Kathopanishad - Day 19' Talk in English by Swami Aparajitananda, Chinmaya Mission Mangaluru.

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Hari Om!

Mantra 11: Yamarāja congratulates and praises Nachiketa for renouncing Brahmaloka (Hiranyagarbha) description of which itself is most tempting. Swami Aparajitananda wonderfully elaborates on each aspect of Satyaloka as described by Yamarāja and simultaneously also links us to Shankarācharya ji's valuable comments and laws of universe.

Laws governing the secret of manner of attaining highest world of greatest joy for a jīva and the reason why it (the highest world) is called supporter - cause of all - are simplified beautifully.

Following is discussed -
• Krataha: the procedure to reach Satyaloka is through ritual, upāsanā and pure mind.
• Fearlessness from death and disturbances of mind (except sorrow for sorrows of others) is also attributed to a beautiful mind's quality of "Love for all. Therefore, no fear from all."
• Other aspects such as gurugāya (extended sphere), stomaha and mahat are also explained in detail.

Swamiji clarifies that the description is to glorify Nachiketa's qualification.

Mantra 12: Yamarāja talks about difficulties in attaining Self Knowledge and experiencing Supreme Self. But, he also tells that dhīrāhā become Jīvanmuktas by Adhyātma-yoga. Swamiji catches hold of crux of problem and simplifies it in a playful way. The terms durdarshaha, durgama, surasya dhārā are only used to warn and prepare for total involvement and inspire us because no path is easy.

The mystery about Supreme Self, viz. though always with us, it is gūdhaha; from what it is hidden and with what it is covered, is unfolded logically.

Swamiji defines ignorance, the novel way - as ignored by us - due to following reasons:
• want of time and interest;
• to search inside (pratyāhāra) is opposite to normal habit.

Swamiji explains most beautifully -
CAVE OF INTELLECT where Existence is experienced.
GUHĀ, most wonderfully and picturesquely, as we are virtually led inside to find ego disappearing and I shining.
Confusingly dangerous LOCATION to reach where mind has to struggle to get a glimpse of Higher.
SMALL CAVE ENTRANCE as only subtle, purified, trained mind can enter.

Swamiji summarises in sutra form:
1. To gain immortality, the price is discipline.
2. Ignorance is anādi, but not ananta. Only dhīraha utilises life to attain It by Adhyātma-yoga process of "withdrawal" and "attention" to reach unaffected state of Jīvanmukta.

Next: Yamarāja tells Nachiketa that it is open door for Nachiketa.

(Kathopanishad - Talk 19 - 1.2, Mantras 11 and 12)
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Blessed am I Swameejee to get this knowledge as given by you.2/3rds of my life is over and still I am hopeful day by day by listening earnestly to such Vedantic statements! My humble Pranaams at your lotus feet, Swameejee!


Hari om pujya Swamiji respectful pranams from padma and kusum
