15 Most Colorful Beautiful Pigeons in the World

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The #most #fancy and beautiful #pigeons of Malaysia with names. The most amazing #breeds of #doves.
The #beautiful #fruit #dove (Ptilinopus pulchellus), also known as the rose-fronted pigeon or crimson-capped fruit dove, is a small, approximately 19 cm (7 1⁄2 in) long, mainly green fruit dove. It has a red crown, whitish throat, a greenish-yellow bill and purplish-red feet. It has a blue-grey breast and yellowish orange belly, with a reddish purple patch in between. Both sexes are similar.
The #pink-necked #green #pigeon (Treron vernans) is a bird of the Columbidae family. It is found in Cambodia, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical mangrove forests, and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests.
The #Namaqua dove (Oena capensis) is a small pigeon. It is the only species in the genus Oena.The Namaqua dove is a tiny sparrow-sized pigeon, typically 22 cm in length with a 28–33 cm wingspan, and weighing 40g. It has a very long black tapered tail, and the size and shape have led to comparison with the budgerigar. The plumage is mostly grey apart from a white belly, and chestnut primary feathers which are visible in flight.
The #emerald-spotted #wood dove (Turtur chalcospilos) is a bird of the Columbidae family, resident across eastern and southern Africa.
This is a species of open drier deciduous woodland and second growth. It is absent from evergreen rainforests and semidesert areas.
The #bar-shouldered dove (Geopelia humeralis) is native to Australia and southern New Guinea. It is protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. It is a medium-sized pigeon varying in size from 26 to 30 centimetres (10.4 to 12 inches). Its voice is a distinctive and melodious "cook-a-wook" or "coolicoo".
The #tambourine dove (Turtur tympanistria) is a pigeon which is a widespread resident breeding bird in woodlands and other thick vegetation in Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Its range extends from Senegal east to Ethiopia and Kenya and southwards through eastern Africa to south-eastern South Africa, but it is absent from the drier areas of south-western Africa. There is a population on the Comoros Islands.
The common #emerald dove, Asian emerald dove, or grey-capped emerald dove (Chalcophaps indica) is a pigeon which is a widespread resident breeding bird in the tropical and sub-tropical parts of the Indian Subcontinent and east through Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, the Sakishima Islands of Japan and Indonesia. The dove is also known by the names of green dove and green-winged pigeon. The common emerald dove is the state bird of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The Pacific emerald dove and Stephan's emerald dove were both considered conspecific.
The #African #collared dove (Streptopelia roseogrisea) is a small dove found in the Sahel, northern parts of the Horn of Africa and southwestern Arabia. Although it lives in arid lands, it is found around water sources.
The #ndian #Fantail is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. Indian Fantails, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons are all descendants of the rock dove (Columba livia).
The #zebra dove (Geopelia striata) also known as barred ground dove, is a bird of the dove family, Columbidae, native to Southeast Asia. They are small birds with a long tail. They are predominantly brownish-grey in colour with black-and-white barring. They are known for their pleasant soft, staccato cooing calls.
The #pied #imperial pigeon (Ducula bicolor) is a relatively large, pied species of pigeon. It is found in forest, woodland, mangrove, plantations and scrub in Southeast Asia, ranging from Myanmar and Thailand, throughout Indonesia and east to the Philippines (where it is locally called as balud-puti) and the Bird's Head Peninsula in New Guinea. It can also be found on Cape York Peninsula and the Top End in Australia, although this population migrates north to Indonesia and New Guinea in the dry season. It is mainly found on small islands and in coastal regions. It remains locally common, and is therefore considered to be of least concern by BirdLife International and IUCN.

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Soy dominicano me gustan muchos la aves


3:45 I am always told that zebra doves are quite small. Thank you so much for demonstrating it with that footage. They are indeed tiny compared to other popular doves.


Wow they are so so pretty! Lovely video! Big like!


Die #Kragentaube (Caloenas nicobarica), auch Mähnentaube, Nikobarentaube oder Nikobartaube genannt, ist eine Art der Familie der Tauben. Die dämmerungsaktive Kragentaube ist eine typische Erdtaube, die viel am Boden läuft und im Geäst nur ruht.
Die Kragentaube gilt üblicherweise als einzige Vertreterin ihrer Gattung. Möglicherweise gehörte jedoch auch die ausgestorbene Liverpool-Taube ebenfalls zur Gattung Caleonas. DNA-Analysen legen auch nahe, dass die Kragentaube mit dem gleichfalls ausgestorbenen Dodo eng verwandt ist.


Дикая #смеющаяся #горлица (лат. Streptopelia roseogrisea) — птица семейства голубиных, населяющая зону Сахель в Африке и Аравийский полуостров.
Дикая смеющаяся горлица длиной от 28 до 30 см. Оперение верхней части тела одноцветное светло-бежевое. Крылья и основание рулевых перьев тёмного серо-коричневого цвета. На затылке имеется тонкая чёрная полоса, тянущаяся вперёд до середины шеи. Шея и грудь светло-бежевые, брюхо и боковые стороны почти белые. Ноги красные, клюв тёмно-серый. Половой диморфизм не выражен. В целом вид очень похож на кольчатую горлицу, только немного крупнее, в целом немного темнее, крылья немного светлее и брюхо светло-бежевое.
Пение состоит из протяжного первого слога, короткой паузы, и затем спадающего и немного раскатистого слога, примерно как «коо, курроо-оо».


Another fantastic video! Thanks for uploading


I really enjoyed this wonderful video my friend.


Beautiful video share!!! Have a wonderful weekend, Best Wishes Angeline


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Muhammad the Messenger of Allah


С большим интересом смотрели, Ваше прекрасное видео))


Le #Carpophage #blanc (Ducula bicolor) est une espèce de pigeon frugivore appartenant à la famille des Columbidae.
Cet oiseau vit sur les côtes de l'océan Indien depuis les îles Nicobar jusqu'en Nouvelle-Guinée. Il se trouve aussi au Nord de l'Australie.
Cette espèce de colombe se nourrit de fruits et de noix dans son milieu naturel.


Удивительно, какое разнообразие пород голубей, и одни краше других.


Nicobar pigeon
Victoria crowned


El #tilopo #bonito (Ptilinopus pulchellus) es una especie de ave columbiforme de la familia Columbidae endémica Nueva Guinea y algunas islas menores aledañas. Es común en su área de distribución, por lo que se clasifica como especie bajo preocupación menor por la UICN.


#Goura es una género de aves columbiformes de la familia Columbidae que incluye tres especies, propias de Nueva Guinea, denominadas vulgarmente como guras.​ Son los miembros más grandes de la familia Columbidae.
Las tres guras son muy parecidas y no son simpátricas geográficamente. Las tres especies de Goura, junto con la paloma de Nicobar (Caloenas nicobarica) y la paloma manumea (Didunculus strigirostris) se relacionan estrechamente con el extinto dodo.


Thanks for Wonderful Video
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Big Thumbs Up Bravo Hugs.


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