Redeeming Lost World's Ragequit Zone

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Sonic Lost World is home to a lot of ideas, but one in particular stood out to me. Today I'll be taking a deep dive into Lava Mountain Zone 2, one of Sonic's hardest levels to date, and detail a side of it that oft goes unexplored.
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There's something I really like about how the video is presented . It's serious but sarcastic at the same time, I really love it


The sonic videos that’s you’ve been putting out recently has been top tier. I also love the bits where you do a quick 1 second gag and then immediately transition to the next section.


This was literally my favourite stage when I first played last year. It's nice hearing someone praise it.


Haze you should make a discussion/video essay on Sonic Utopia perhaps :o


I let my friend try this game after probably years of not playing Sonic, after playing Sonic Generations first, and he didn't rage that much at this level. It's Lava Mountain 1, the boss rush planet, that's where he went nuts and it's all because Sonic's respawning animation and the ground disappearing for the next phase. They aren't in-sync, so he often fell into instant death lava because he wasn't staying still on the spot where Sonic lands after his auto jump. And then he quit the game at Lava Mountain 3 because, when he beat the final Zavok fight, the game still goes on for a bit so Sonic fell into the abyss with Zavok, and he got a game over from beating Zavok while not paying attention to where Sonic should land afterwards. So dumb...


Once again, really appreciating the in-depth analysis, humor, timing, presentation and delve into level design knowledge.
I'm also wondering if Bickuribox is indeed that wondrous Toon Monster, AKA a Yu-Gi-Oh reference, but only because I happen to know and love those.

That said, I do hope that'll you have more hot takes like this one! Keep it up♪


Nice to see you're still kicking and doing more review styled videos on other games.
I have yet to play Lost World, it looks pretty fun despite how different it is compared to other Sonic games. But I think we're all used to Sonic changing things up to see how they go by now. Heck, I honestly kinda miss when they did that more because it means that anything was possible.

Tho while I haven't played Lost World, from what I have seen it seems to be one of the few Sonic games that emphasizes more on the platforming elements rather than speed. And honestly, I find that interesting and would love it if more Sonic games would try that. Sonic's platforming has never been bad, but there's very few instances of it being challenging or too interesting. At least, in terms of his 3D/2.5D Outings. Of course blasting through a beautifully designed level is awesome, in fact it's one of the reasons I still enjoy games like Generations. But putting more challenge and variety into the platforming is also interesting. You get different themes, different unique challenges, variety in visuals and design. It's honestly refreshing to see Sonic do this approach. Of course people will say he's just copying the Red Plumber, in fact I think that's what some people said at the time this game came out on the WiiU originally, but to me your idea doesn't have to be original, so long as it's executed well. The Plumbers done it before, so why should Sonic be treated any differently?

But of course this emphasis on Platforming comes at a cost to the general speed Sonic is known for. Now of course it's not impossible to do, in fact Sonic and other games have done it before. But it's obvious it's more difficult to make interesting platforming challenges around a character moving super fast without making the game either too difficult or too easy because of the speed. But honestly, if the challenge is there, and it's still fun, I'd say it's worth it. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't mind Sonic moving a little slower, despite how blasphemous that is to say as a Sonic fan, if it means I get a good platformer out of it. So long as it's fun and feels good to play, it doesn't bother me. This might change depending on if/when I play Lost World. But I would like to see another or more Sonic games take an approach to focus more on Sonic's platforming aspects. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't. You won't know, until you try, right?

Another great video dude. Hope to see more like this from you, and maybe more that covers other games or series as well. <3


I completely agree with basically everything you said. This is one of my favorite levels in Lost World (not a high bar but still).


Lost World is actually one of my guilty pleasures, and it makes me happy to see something about this absolutely strange game.


All those years ago, the whole stage just clicked for me the exact moment I discovered that the final gate can be cleared without relying on the red rails.
The rest of the game is full of moments where it expects the player to play one way and one way only, and punishes the player for not utilizing the gimmicks, but for this one moment, it allows the player to ignore the red rails, and keep going full speed ahead, as long as the player is skillful enough to pull it off. If memory serves me right, the level can be overcome without landing on any red rail once, even.
I never leave the green rail in the final section of this level once I land on it, and it feels so rewarding. Doublejumping over the final gate in Lava Mountain Zone 2 is my favorite moment in the game, and is enough to make the level itself my favorite as well.
Thank you for making this video.


Wow this exact stage is also the only stage i ever came back to and beat repeatedly and just mastered in this game too
I never remember much from the game but occasionally i think fondly of the music and visuals and the just pure chill vibes i gave off


This colorful, cartoony style is what they should have stuck with. Weird 2D and crappy bosses aside, I really enjoyed Lost World.


Tbh I really love the feel of the gameplay in Lost World! Sure it's a bit experimental, but it's really fun and imo is one of the better modern examples of "speed as a reward" out there!


I highly recommend the 3DS version of Lost World if you haven't played it. More challenging bosses, much more satisfying physics, a substantialy better implementation of the Wisps, and most importantly, more focused environments and gimmicks. There's also a lot more rail grinding and Silent Forest Act 2 is completely built around it.


It only took me about 15 minutes but boy was it a challenge. I got 5 game overs.


I spent so long on this level having no idea you could even change your jump momentum with left or right, when i randomly noticed that i beat it in a few more tries


5:39 looks like a reversal version of Sonic Adventure: It goes faster the longer you hold on jump or something :o


This was always my favorite Lost World stage, and I was honestly surprised to learn that it was so hated. I was honestly surprised to find out that people considered it so hard to begin with. I found the level challenging for sure but never ragequit worthy, unlike some other levels in Lost World that made me want to die.


This man skill issued and entire community.


I liked playing through the two stages ngl
Whenever I got bored, I would just hop on that those lvls or the final boss
