Stonehenge is the Tip of the Iceberg

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In this film we tour some of the most interesting megalithic sites in the U.K and go on to show how the entire planet is covered with ancient monuments built from huge stones suggesting there was a global civilisation before our current one. We also present evidence that this global civilisation was spiritually and technologically more advanced that the general population of today and existed before the last ice age.

Sites we visited include Avebury, The Hurlers, The Rollright Stones, Brodgar Ring, Skara Brae, Castlerigg, Swinside, Carnac and various other sites from over the years we have been travelling.

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This is one of the very best YouTube presentations I have EVER seen! Deserves two thumbs up. I am a documentary junkie.


I like how much effort youve put into this. Nice drone-shots, good narrative. You even took the time to correct sloppy camera work in those presentations. By using that cinema background thingy. Which makes it more professional to watch. You sir, just earned a sub. .


Thanks for pulling all of this together. It gives us clarity in a sea of jumbled theories and sporadic reports along with other findings that fill the internet.


Megalithic remains are all over the planet. Last time I checked Siberia had the largest ones. Even under the oceans you will find them. Apart from megalithic structures, we have a clearly visible system of uniform design all over the planet that consist of lines, water dams, water canals, waterholes, building foundations, gigantic land strips that resemble airports. For example, in Gambia they repaired one of these massive land strips. They only repaired half of it, because it was way too big. Even with repairing only half of it, it could fit some of our most advanced space shuttles. I highly recommend researcher name Sylvie Ivanova & her YouTube channel Newearth for more on this topic


You guys are gold! This must be the one of the most important riddles modern society has yet to solve. And you definitely help with your work! These topics need to become more noisy, so they can´t no longer be surpressed. I`m going to Malta tomorrow and am looking forward to follow your lead :) If there is something i could do to help you guys while i´m there, let me know. . I guess you have to make some kind of sacrifice to bring us such good research for free, so thanks alot for that! Safe travels to all you Modern Explorers !!


18:33, small doors were not because people were small, they were to ensure you couldn't enter aggressively. You have to bend down and come head first.


There are just a few megalithic sites in the south east. Henges include a recently discovered neolithic “henge” near Hollingbourne as big as Stonehenge and a couple of henges near Sittingbourne. Dolmens include The Coldrum Stones, Kits Coty house and Little Kit's Coty House. The Chestnuts is an excavated long barrow on private land at Addington, also Addington long barrow, . Not stone circles as such but mainly round and long barrows and henges. Curiously there are also two modern stone circles in the south east!


Thank you for your countless hours put into this kind of accumulated knowledge. Your work truly inspires action and further motivation in believing/putting effort towards in these kinds of possibilities.


This is fascinating. I would love to be able to see these first hand but can’t, so I appreciate your nicely done video including credits and references. That’s just classy. Thank you. I have been fortunate enough in the past though to have had many personal experiences that can be described briefly as: amazing, profound, exiting and even frightening (or maybe humbling would be a better word).

Also, I would like to add that I think it’s great that newer generations of people are rediscovering things about our world and life that seem to have been forgotten or even suppressed intentionally. So many folks in modern society seem so lost and disconnected from the Earth, mysterious forces of nature and spirituality other than mainstream religion. You’re right about there being more than meets the eye and our other narrow senses. Things could be so different for the better and maybe will be again.


Great vid, quite thought provoking. With regard to virtually no sites in the East of England I have a theory which might stand up to further research: I think stone circles, quoits/dolmens and maybe even barrows were once all over England but, following their conquest, the Romans levelled/quarried them or even built on top of them as a means of breaking down or absorbing the indigenous heritage and culture (no books to burn after all). For where the sites used to be in eastern/central England, I would guess at the oldest known churches and whatever gathering places came before them. Far more surviving structures are to be found on the west side of England, Wales and most definitely Scotland and Ireland because that's where Roman settlement was less prevalent or non-existent. I would be really interested to know what others think as I find the study of Britain's ancient sites absolutely mind blowing and I still have the same appetite for it as I did as 40 odd years ago when visiting Stonehenge for the first time as a kid. Back when it didn't have a fucking rope round it and belonged to everyone.


Great to see all these places, , you did some great video


Very inspiring work. I would also like to get a list of the music you have in the background. Keep up researching!


Hey are you the same guys who did "Civilization One?"   I noticed your ref to the megalithic yard. This is a nice summary of the state of exploration today. 
I am learning so much from You Tube about what is "out there, " I really would like to spend my remaining years traveling, documenting and speculating. 
Thanks for a good video.


Fantastic video :) Looking forward to see more :)


West Kennet is not the longest barrow in Britain. There is one even longer on Salisbury plain in the military zone. To be fair it's hard to visit and not know by many. The Salisbury plain seems a very bizarre place to me, I sense a highly charged energy and intuited that the veil was thinner there. Shame it's a zone. As you well know there's some pretty wild stuff out there without much hullabaloo about them. Loving looking through your vids. What a wonderful world.


The dolmen called Sorginetxe at 29.41 means Witchhouse in the Basque language(Sorgin is witch and etxe is house).


Trees and plants grow next to large boulders because it's a nice place to snuggle up against and the rain water pours off the side of the stone on to the plant it happens here in the desert where I live and we actually use it to replant mined areas


The Saint Michael line would have passed through Dogger Island.


There's an ancient stone circle not far from my present location. Old native American medicine site. Stone age rock painting nearby.


Concise interesting no bull great vid cheers
