The Biggest Lie about the Quran

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Was the Quran truely transmitted through a direct chain of narrators, from the prophet all the way through to us? Or is that the perfect myth?

Adam Elmasri - Social links:
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the greatest miracle is a goat can beat it creator lol


I love the tame sheep Hadith. The Quran’s perfect preservation meets its demise at the hands of a farm animal, which was probably no accident.


Thanks for a clear and straightforward argument- as an ex-Muslim myself, I think the best way to convince Muslims of problems with the Quran is with clear historical evidence like this from Muslim history

It’s important not to ascribe malice and ill intent to these arguments- a lot of Christian polemics are presented in a condescending and ignorant and bullying fashion, but you present your arguments clearly and emphatically and as an Arabic speaker and someone who has done research

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and the Quran makes the most extraordinary claim of all human books that it is of Divine Origin from the Creator of the Universe and to believe that claim Muslims MUST be willing to critically and skeptically scrutinize it and it’s history

Unfortunately human nature and identity issues makes that extremely difficult but it’s good to see videos like this - keep it up!


Thank you brother! They are denying the fact, that all is a lie. 😢


What one there at least 30 korans. You know the stuff their scholars are not advised to talk about in public. Allah didn’t see the internet coming.‼️


The goat knew that the verses were under the pillow


The biggest lie about Quran is that it is true and preserved!


In the 6th century arabic language only has 16 alphabets
Nowadays arabic language has 28 alphabets

Why dont they use 16 alphabet quran like in qutham era???


"To claim that is is missing, but you can't bring it, this is a baseless claim."
Says the apologist for a religion that claims the gospels were changed, yet can't produce any originals or even tell us what was in them.


Abrigation was a later invention. Possibly by Ottomons. How can God change his mind in only 23 years. I can understand verses can be changed to fit different time spans like centuries.


We must to Leave islam to save the world free from higab


There is a strong claim that Islam is not an original religion; but rather, it is a deviation — a departure, or an off shoot from True Christianity. Sahih al-Bukhari 3617 narrated Anas: “There was a Christian who embraced Islam and read Surat-al-Baqarah and Al-‘Imran (Quran chapters two and three), and he used to write (revelations) for the prophet. Later, he returned to Christianity again and he used to say: ‘Mohammed knows nothing, but what I have written for him.’ Then Allah caused him to die, and the people buried him, but in the morning, they saw that the earth had thrown his body out.”
There are several verses of the Quran that suggest Islam’s non-originality: Quran 16:103 reads, “We know indeed that they say, ‘It is a man that teaches him…’” Quran 25:04 reads, “Naught, is this but a lie which he has forged, and other have helped him at it.” Quran 25:5 reads, “And they say, “Tales of the ancient, which he has caused to be written: and they dictated before him morning and evening.” [Also see Q. 6:25, Q. 8:31, Q. 9:61]
These accounts from Islamic sources may explain why the Quran is filled with Christian (or Jewish) lectionaries, fables, and bed-time stories such as “Ants speaking to King Solomon” in Quran 27: 18-19. It also brings into doubts that Allah, the local god of the Arabian desert migratory (travelling) tribes, could not have written the Quran on tablets in the eternity past, before creation.


Videos are an amazing medium, we also need this in written document as a list, a list would be great to use while debating Muslims


This ignorant person does not understand anything about the sciences of the Quran or the sciences of Hadith. There is a jurisprudential rule which says : what is proven with certainty ( such as Quran ) cannot be invalidated by conjectures ( such as hadith ahad ), meaning that the Hadiths he mentioned are not suitable to challenge the authenticity of the Quran. How can we believe a Hadith narrated by one person and it was recorded about 200 years after the Quran and leave the Quran that was supervised and written by thousands of companions, including the scribes of the revelation? Is this logical to you


Kaaba stone went on teaching, suddenly jumping geans made the Quran to jump out. Then UTHMAN burned it. Made it new.
Then came goat 🐐 out of some where and eat breast feeding 10 times for adults book. When we are mourning the death of pbuh Mohammed.
Then came modern Quran 57 type of versions. Each One doesn't match wit each other.


Even if this book would be extremely well preserved, it is still the most stu’pid and hilarious book of madness, copied and stolen fairytale stories, myths, legends, poems, fables and multiple plagiarisms ever written!


So allah is uncertain that he has to abrogate his earlier revelations? Sounds like muhammad's plot twist to me.


We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten except that We bring forth [one] better than it or similar to it. Do you not know that Allah is over all things competent? - Chapter 2 Verse 106.
And regarding the mu'awwidhatayn, assuming that the report that Ibn Ma‘ood denied that the Mi‘wadhatayn were part of the Qur’an is saheeh, what proof do you have that he did not later change his opinion. And
in the recitation of ‘Aasim from Ibn Mas‘ood the Mi‘wadhatayn are confirmed (as part of the Qur’an). This recitation is saheeh and was narrated soundly (via saheeh isnaads) from Ibn Mas‘ood. So this only proves that initially he used to deny they were part of the Qur’an, but when it became clear to him that they are part of the Qur’an, he wrote them in his Mushaf and recanted his earlier opinion.


"Bring it"???? isn't that what they say about the Injil, where they say the Injil is not the same as the Gospel, so go ahead buddy bring the Injil please.


Provide clear references pls not just quoting
