Donald Trump vs Joe Biden: The brutal digital 2020 US presidential campaign has begun | ITV News
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How do you wage a presidential campaign during a pandemic? Well, we are already finding out.
The 2020 race for the White House is going to be unlike any competition in American political history.
The party conventions this summer may be cancelled and political rallies are in severe jeopardy.
And the traditional kissing of babies and the shaking of hands along rope lines? Obviously, out of the question in an era of social distancing.
So the campaign will be waged by provocative and incendiary digital content and by surrogates fighting on their candidate’s behalf.
Anti-Trump forces have had their first major success with a new ad launched yesterday. It’s a powerful foil to one of the most successful political ads of all time, Ronald Reagan's feel-good "Morning in America."
This ad was the creation of disaffected Republicans, not Democrats. But mission accomplished: It’s been viewed millions of times and infuriated the president to such an extent that he launched a Twitter tirade in the middle of the night.
The US President has already launched his own bid to blame the pandemic on his opponents - the media and the Democrats.
The 2020 race for the White House is going to be unlike any competition in American political history.
The party conventions this summer may be cancelled and political rallies are in severe jeopardy.
And the traditional kissing of babies and the shaking of hands along rope lines? Obviously, out of the question in an era of social distancing.
So the campaign will be waged by provocative and incendiary digital content and by surrogates fighting on their candidate’s behalf.
Anti-Trump forces have had their first major success with a new ad launched yesterday. It’s a powerful foil to one of the most successful political ads of all time, Ronald Reagan's feel-good "Morning in America."
This ad was the creation of disaffected Republicans, not Democrats. But mission accomplished: It’s been viewed millions of times and infuriated the president to such an extent that he launched a Twitter tirade in the middle of the night.
The US President has already launched his own bid to blame the pandemic on his opponents - the media and the Democrats.