Opus Clip Tutorial | How To Use Opus Clip Step-by-Step

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Finally trying OpusClips, I was instantly blown away. The hours of editing this saves, the auto captions (that aren't available natively in FCP), the AI clipping! 🤯


I've been uploading two long form vids a week but I know I can't keep that up so I was thinking about doing more shorts, but the truth is I can't stand making them! Your video has come to me right at the perfect time. This is a super helpful tool. Thanks mate, so grateful for your inspiring content.


1:33 appreciate the honesty with the affiliate link. Too many YouTubers are very sneaky about it. I don't think many understand it's possible to get a commission while still being genuinely helpful.


I’m for sure going to use your link for this tool. Thanks for posting!


This is amazing. I’m binge watching at 4a Nick and worth it


Thank you for this! feel like I'm ready for the world now!


I do my own shorts manually on Filmora. Thank you Nick. I appreciate your work throughout the years. Instant Like. Keep up the amazing work. 😊


The no.1 YouTube mentor on YouTube! Thank you Nick 🙏


Yay! When you mentioned this in the live a few weeks back, I was hoping you'd do a video on this. I'm trying to make sure I script with useable moments so that Opus will have multiple hooks


Thank you for this! I got this back in January, but just now getting into it and it's AMAZING! Your walkthrough was really helpful! Thanks again!


OH MY GOODNESS! I was JUST USING it right now and am totally mind blown! It was so easy to use and for the first time ever I just scheduled a week of consistent shorts and have about another 2 weeks to go! A huge boost for creators!


This looks like a super useful tool, thanks for the tutorial and I'm keen to try this one out. Keep up the great tips Nick!


Thanks Nick for the tutorial. I signed up yesterday and love it already. Now that I have seen your tutorial, I will be able to use it even better.


🙌 THANK YOU, Nick!!! As a newbie to YT, and still learning (you've been a HUGE help!), I've felt too overwhelmed & procrastinating on shorts...THIS is the training-wheels I needed!! PS - I used your link...but you deserve much more for doing this 🏆


Just a heads-up for the gaming content creators out there: the algorithm used to create the clips works best for, Video Podcasts, Educational Videos, Commentaries Videos, Product Reviews, and Motivational Speeches. It doesn't work well with gaming videos. HOWEVER, if you are doing a product review for a gaming peripheral or service or energy drink OR doing a commentary about a video game trailer or the like, then you will be fine. Thanks for the content, Nick! I will use this service for my other non-gaming platforms.


Valuable content for new YouTubers. Thank you so much for this video. Subscribed to your channel 👍


I definitely need to check this out when i get home if i got the time. Thanks Nick! I actually just got done making a bunch of vertical videos made and have them in the back burner. This wouldve been nice to save some time.


I'll try anything at this point. Thank you for showing us ❤


This is great. I've had it for a few months and it's working pretty good. My main issue is in landscape I need to find a way to at least have the speaker in the frame or both of us. I guess I could use CapCut but would be amazing if this offered automatic vertical. 😊


never had a lot of luck with ai. but trying this now via your link.cheers nick
