Sonic, but it's Super Mario Bros. 3?!

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Sonic, but it's Super Mario Bros. 3?!
This Sonic Boll mod recreates Super Mario Bros. 3 with added elements from Sonic the Hedgehog. You can also play as Sonic, Tails, Mario, Luigi, Wario, and more.

👾 Made by: Metal Rex

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Darby BTG
P.O. Box 415
Kirkersville, OH 43033

#supermariobros #sonic #sonicthehedgehog
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This was really cool! What did you think?


Mario 3 isn't just my fav game. It was my first game I ever played in 2001 when I was 4 years old. I approve of this ROM hack... It literally looks incredible and the detail is amazing. I can't believe how functional it is!


I can't really point to one single game and say "yeah! That's my favorite." I have to break it down by eras. Pre-NES it was Q*Bert and Dig Dug. NES era Zelda 1, SMB 2, Megaman 2 and 3. SMB 3 is up there but not quite at the top. SNES era SMW, Link to the Past, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 4 and 6, Actraiser. The SNES era as a whole is one of my favorites, so it's especially hard to narrow these down. I started college about a year after the N64 came out so I went through a pretty big gaming dry spell in the early 2000s. But it's really hard to overstate what a massive impact Mario 64 had on gaming as a whole. And gems like Ocarina of Time and Banjo Kazooie. For more modern games, Hollow Knight is easily one of the best games I've played in the last 10 years. Celeste is hot on bug knight's heels though. Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, and Metroid Dread are way up there. For FromSoft games, Sekiro still edges out Bloodborne and even Elden Ring as my favorite for its combat system and maneuverability. Bioshock. The Last of Us.

I was hardcore Nintendo kid for a long time, so my list is definitely biased towards them, but there were definitely tons of great games for other systems in each of these eras too. There's literally hundreds of games I could list here if I spent a whole lot of time going through each generation. Really I could go on and on and on.


That was actually really cool and to see it in Mario 3 style made it so much better. I hope we get that airship level. I was expecting boom boom in the fortress and was pleasantly surprised. But my fave Mario game has to be Mario World. That is a game I'd be like... hey I think I want to play and beat it and then just beat it. Or take more time and complete it. Its just so complete.


I love how this mod uses 8-bit sonic sprites even though sonic was originally 16-bit


I'd love to see more of this when and if it's finished someday! Due to the bugs and glitches it was kinda like a chaos Mario 3. Really funny!


Oh I hope they continue this. I wanna see more. Mario 3 is my fav game of all time as well. 2nd would be Sonic 2


It's cool how they were able to make Sonic actually look like he belongs in the game


Mario 3! My favorite game!

The concept is fun, and I hope they finish the game too.


This was so much fun! I love the bubble powerup for Sonic! I have to say, watching those piranha plants float away was curiously satisfying! How I wish we could always do that! They have always been the bane of my existence! I really wish the game was finished, I wasn't ready for it to be over! It's always fun to see how much you enjoy playing these games! Great work!


Imagine if Sunky was in the game as well. That'll be so cool. Also, my favourite Mario game is Mario World.


The B in the bonus zone instead of the 3 is for "Boll"


I found it amezing how they moddified the mechanical physics of the smb3 engine as well as replacing some tile sets with new once.


First off, poor Waluigi for not being included in this. Secondly, Bubble Sonic's color palette feels to fit Ice Sonic more but I don't really know about Sonic stuffs. It feels though that Bubble Sonic would be in more blue colors than how it was, instead of the cyan color. Otherwise it's pretty impressive for the first world. Every character had their own power up status which I think could be pretty neat. Also, did you know the P Speed Meter was Tails' Flying Durability? It started from white and slowly went to black throughout the flight.


I hope this gets continued if the creators are up for it. It was a delight honestly, so few hacks and roms go into SMB3 to that degree. The moves, bubble bouncing, I could hear the sounds from the Sonic and Knuckles first level at times, thanks for sharing!


Wow I didn't expect they had the peelout for sonic!


I just woke up from a scary dream. BTG is some nice fun not scary content to watch.


Sweeet. This was so fun. Sonic look right at home here. So clever. loved the bubble Sonic, un-popable.


oddly enough, despite all the wackiness, and glitches, it's actually not beta.


This brings joy. Both super leaf sonic flying and BTG
