Ilana Gotz - Euricse and YouCoope

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The impact of the Covid-19 crisis has reinforced inequalities and contributed to increasing youth unemployment rates across Europe. But the challenges we are facing also represent a tremendous opportunity to ‘rebuild better’. Along with other social economy approaches to organising people and creating business, cooperatives play a key role in redefining a fairer European socio-economic landscape. Introducing young people in secondary and higher education to entrepreneurial competences through the cooperative model offers the building blocks for lifelong success.

The Youth Cooperative Entrepreneurship Education Initiative (YOUCOOPE) project believes that educators across Europe deserve quality and diversity in their lifelong learning offer. That is why we have spent the last two years developing resources and tools for educators in European secondary and higher education institutions to be able to teach cooperative entrepreneurial education.

Euricse believes in empowering educators to build their learners' resilience, helping them best prepare for changing labour markets and evolving societies through bringing cooperative entrepreneurial education.

YouCoope project partners: Santander International Entrepreneurship Centre (CISE), University of Cantabria, Co-operative College, Valnalón, Università degli Studi di Trento, EURICSE, Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione, Bantani Education, Fundación Escuela Andaluza de Economía Social, and Awel Aman Tawe, to discuss our learnings and impact.

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