How India became A World Leader in managing COVID crisis | TV Mohandas Pai

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India A World Leader in managing COVID crisis - TV Mohandas Pai
The world was expecting India to collapse amidst the COVID crisis, but India not only controlled it but emerged as a leader in providing vaccines to the world, explains TV Mohandas Pai in conversation with Sridhar Chityala
#COVID #VaccineMaitri #TVMohandasPai #SridharChityala
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Mohandas Pai ji 👍🏻 fantastic ... real eye opener


Stats are in front of us.
Explained well Mohandas Pai ji.


India must be a leader of the world, intelligent knows it, not the others.


The point was made well by Mohan Das Ji: so called rich countries hoard their vaccines, take care of them first and let the rest of the world wait, which they will not ; while India with its enormous needs still will share the vaccines with their poorer friend countries. This is coming from the deep rooted Indic culture - the world is my family . As to Shridar ji' defence on this point: You can prefund the vaccine development -full credit to Trump, but that does not mean that the Indian developed vaccine Covaxin for eg came out only due to this funding!
One more point- " US managing its interest payments as % of GDP- yes, if Rupee is the world currency, India also could "manage" such things. As a US saver, I and countless other savers pay for such artificially low rates of interest- so that the govt can recklessly borrow and postpone their day of reckoning ( this also means that wall Streeters get cheap money and punt on the market -transferring enormous wealth from the savers and middle class to the super rich) . Wait till they debase the US$ and it lo longer is the world's currency - what happens to this way of borrowing as if there is no tomorrow. It looks like basic economics is becoming more and more irrelevant .


Fantastic session as always, looking forward to more such discussions in the near future


Nothing remains constant with covid....India, meaning Indians living in India, must continue to be cautious and only breath a sigh of relief when a sizable population has been vaccinated..all this institutional Q is humbug! should be gradually opened up


Well Oxford AstraZeneca British Swedish company supported by British Government did allow India's vaccine institute licensing to fund vaccine to developing world at cost. Bit jingoistic but i enjoyed the ratatat...


It is Indian food habit which has saved them. And it is American way of Life n their food habit which has put them to risk.


You should compare india with Brazil and China.Not the US or European countries as their obesity is higher which means higher super spreaders live in those regions.Infact, for the first few months in the pandemic, we were skyrocketing in cases which actually is a failure.We have done a very good job in reducing it to the present situation which is commendable but with the pandemic not yet over, saying such words is irrelevant as of now


Good job by Mr Chilikuri for pointing out to Mohandas Pai that the US spent billions of dollars for research for the Covid vaccine. I didn’t appreciate Mr. Pai’s attitude about US being a self-centered state! I respect Mr. Pai but certainly don’t agree with his assessment


2014 to 💪MODI✌JI 👌2021
1947🤑🤮to Congress party🤮🤑2014


wow mohan you are a pugalist. poor shrdhar did not see that coming


Pai should be more articulate to voice his views, looked like he has come to bully. He might have frustration on other US western media but here it was unwarranted.
