Chartwork Tutorial: Datums, Depths & Heights

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----------ABOUT THE VIDEO----------
In this video, we take a look at how chart datum is used to reference depths on a nautical chart.
This video should not be considered professional advice or education.
We try to make the content as accurate as possible, but the responsibility rests with the viewer to determine the full accuracy and reliability of the content.
Any action you take as a result of watching this video is strictly at your own risk.
----------ABOUT THE VIDEO----------
In this video, we take a look at how chart datum is used to reference depths on a nautical chart.
This video should not be considered professional advice or education.
We try to make the content as accurate as possible, but the responsibility rests with the viewer to determine the full accuracy and reliability of the content.
Any action you take as a result of watching this video is strictly at your own risk.
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