He Confronted the Scammer Impersonating Him. It Only Got Weirder🎙Ep. 133: I'm the Real Connor

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Connor Tumbleson got an email saying his identity was stolen. Hours later, he was scheduled for a job interview that he never applied for, using his resume and accomplishments. He decided to show up for it, and the rabbit hole only went deeper.

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I’m a developer. Sometimes I get hit up by people on LinkedIn who straight up tell me they need someone to go to interviews to get jobs that they will then outsource to people in India. So folks would think they are hiring me, but then the real man behind the curtains send the real work to a team in India.

I always say no, but sometimes I wish I knew what they were doing.


I was a casino dealer for six years, and they definitely ask you the same question about theft. You report anything suspicious; no matter who is stealing. Cute old ladies will take shots like nobody's business. Just because they don't look like a thief, it doesn't mean they are not a thief. Never get too comfortable.


Ahh... "Jiggler, " the hardest working WFH/remote worker any employer has ever hired. A few years ago I had a friend that was "double dipping" employers and he came up with all kinds of ways to keep his sessions from going idle (many companies will generate alarms to managers if your status goes to "idle/away" too many times during a work day). I showed him Jiggler, it was like he just looked into the eyes of his first born child. Truly changed his life.


I don't understand why Connor seems so confused by this? It seems pretty simple and straight forward. They stole his identity to gain credibility. They wanted to use the reputation Connor had gained. Dishonest, yes. But not difficult to understand. And why is he so interested in talking to them about why they're doing it? It's simple greed, laziness, and wanting to take the easy way out.


Aww i wish this one were longer this was super interesting. Glad to see the podcast thriving Jack.


this kind of reminds me of the coder who outsourced his job to like vietnam or some place like that. was making like 100k a year, and only had to pay the people actually doing the work 25k a year. so he cleared 75k.


2 short ones for your amusement: I worked a Project in Russia years ago. We had a load of "Mechanical Engineers" show up from India.. long story short, 6 had identical rèsumes. The only difference were their personal details.... totally useless (honestly, at the time my 8yo knew more than them) we were told to "shut up and hide them" so they ended up with sweeping brushes... which was about all they were good for. I dont blame them, they were desperate for work and were seriously taken advantage of. The fact they made it through getting a work visa in Russia was astonishing until you realized how corrupt they are as well.

2nd one, working a project in Canada and was handed a Commissioning Document for a HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit) I started reading through it and was told the engineer had "spent 5 weeks working on it" (1st Red Flag) I got one page in and realized it was one of mine from the Russian job... word for word😂
I pointed it out and was told prove it.... OK, the reference number on the bottom was my moblie number for Ireland and the dotted line between the paragraphs.... highlight it and increase font size to 12.... and behold in all caps "PREPARED BY (my name) COMM MECH ENG FOR SEIC OPF2 SEPTEMBER 16TH 2008"

As we had a few dimwits plagiarize work on the job, some of us put these in with underline fonts size 2.

That "engineer" had used 10 hours a day for 5 weeks @ around $115 per hour.
I laughed as i pointed out it took me less than 2 days to write the original 😂 he was fired and i was told the client recovered the cost from the agency he was in through.


😂 I'd like to see someone try this with me! They're welcome to steal my identity, and I hope they make a better go of it than I did!


I love the timing of the uploads, who need sleep anyway. 😂 thanks for the quality material friend. It’s very appreciated.


Not exactly stealing a helicopter from a hospital, but definitely closer to home. GREAT VID.


Now this is content! Glad to have you back


This is truly the greatest podcast on YouTube. Thank you for the great content


32:30 just a clarification, you CAN make your github look like you contributed for much longer than you actually have. The commit dates can be set to whatever the person making the commit wants it to be. In fact there are programs you can use to put designs on your github chart.


I had a guy reach out to me on LinkedIn asking me to make am Upwork and let their team code pretending to be me. Apparently there's a lot of lucrative freelance coding jobs you can only get as a US citizen.


I'm sure most people know this, especially as the get older, but of course, any time you're asked a question about whether you would turn an authority figure in for stealing (or some other offense), the answer they are always looking for is "Yes".


Turned out..as _ALWAYS_ .. great story! Thanks so much! :)


ty for the late night unwinding timings the past while o7


I feel like so many people have that similar experience where they land the interview but, they trip up on the trick question.
2 posts this week and I feel special.
I'm always here for the worst puns on the internet! hah XD!


Sounds like a way to simply exfiltrate information from companies.


One of the greatest stories until now. Cheers!
