My thoughts on worlds.... WFDF, Game Advisors, more...

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I provide my thoughts on World Ultimate Championships 2024 in the Gold Coast of Australia. It is amazing tournament.

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you should watch - if you haven't - India vs Italy mixed. it was abysmal how lack of third party capable of making calls allowed one side to ridicule the game


Finally someone speaks out!!! Hard to watch. That’s how I feel for many scenes like these.
I also feel there should be a time limit for each offense, or 10s stalling count is just too long.


Hey Kurt a fan here, can you make a review with some of your best games with brodie and how he plays on offence especially how he forehand huck. You and brodie are one of the reasons why I play frisbee. God bless man.


Frankly, I think for big competitive tournaments/games you just have to have active call observers (or whatever we're calling them these days) so that fairly obvious calls don't turn into stubbornness debates.

I mean, @7:30 it's very clear that the disc is still in the French player's hand when the Canadian player hits it. The players can briefly confer to see if the defender will acknowledge reality, but if not, someone else needs to have the authority to say "mmmkay my guy but you definitely fouled him. let's play on now."

Other situations can be (and often are) less clear-cut, but at least when there's a fairly obvious objective truth that one party is, for whatever reason, not accepting (we all know how common this is lol) then there should be a mechanism to move things along. The game shouldn't grind to a halt just because 1 player doesn't want to admit they fouled someone, or stepped out of bounds, or whatever, when everyone watching knows what went down.


Lol of all the videos you show Podnar walking away after a call.. it seems like he's doing that literally for every call throughout the tourney, i saw that in USA game for sure..

I think theres issues with the observers also.. many times something gets called.. and they end up deferring to the observer and their response is.. "i didn't see it".. Frankly 1) either observers don't know how to be "positioned properly" or 2) theres NOT enough observers to cover the action in the play..

Maybe at the highest levels.. just have referee's.. i know there's some going to complain about the purity of the game..

the question is are game advisors WORSE than having no observers/GA's?
