Should I be open about my dyslexia, ADHD, ... ?

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Being open about your dyslexia, ADHD or autism will help you feel better about your diagnosis. By Hiding it, you are telling your sub-concious my neurodiverse condition is not ok. That will lead to more shame, anxiety, and general discomfort. Additionally, hiding creates a situation in which you become afraid of discovery. This can also be quite uncomfortable. So let's avoid that! If you avoid telling anyone, consider these things. I hope it will motivate you to be a little more open.

🙋🏼‍♂️ My name is Arije, and I am a dyslexic with an MA in Education Studies. I work with dyslexic adults on a one-on-one basis. I aim to share all my tips for learning, coping, teaching, and more on my channel. For dyslexics, educators, and parents alike, I want to make videos that inform and inspire you to reframe dyslexia.


Here's some of the literature I consulted to create this video:
Peterson, Jordan B. 12 rules for life: An antidote to chaos. Penguin UK, 2018.‏
Рекомендации по теме

I have dyslexia and ADHD I don't tell alot of people about it because I have a fear that I'm going to be judged


I agree. I'm not ashamed of my neurodivergence, but I don't want to be subject to discrimination, ableism or harassment. I'll tell close friends but no one else


I think one has to be very careful with sharing this information outside an HR department or with friends. I have no problem whatsoever with telling everyone I am dyslexic. However, it is estimated 97% of people have a negative opinion of dyslexia. How well adapted a dyslexic is and their confidence level are critical. Are a lot of confident, well adapted dyslexics in this comments section - but we are the ones watching Arije's videos.


I hide it people treat you way different. They think you have this they think you are stupid. I’ve lived it on 57 years old. Diagnosed in the 70s with dyslexia because they didn’t have ADHD. My mom refused to put me on the medicine. I would’ve changed my life now I’m a still trying to figure your life out because my brain is stupid


I’m not ashamed to be dyslexic to be honest I kind of forget that I am sometimes. My reading has improved this year, I’ve been reading the Bible and I think because of that I’ve been doing better also I think God has opens my eyes to see his word and listen.


No I'm not embarrassed, I just know how ABLEIST are. But I made sure to tell my new company EVERYTHING, and offered my diagnosis reports. They treat me good


Im sorry but the shaming or basically not believing or caring about adhd and dyslexia in people is too real. Idk how many times ive been labeled lazy or shamed by bosses for doing something wrong when I simply don’t understand their requests or tasks


I am a doctor with dyslexia… you all can do it just have faith and patience with yourself!!! 🍀🍀🍀🥰


There’s this guy I told one of my close friends I have dyslexia and he said he would never judge me but then he treats me like a baby and I’ll tell him a can’t do something like I truly can’t do it like my brain just won’t he starts to get angry and starts to say oh why not can’t you just do it for me and things like that it just pisses me off but at the same time makes me wanna curl up in a whole and cry (from anxiety caused by my adhd and dyslexia) and even tho I told him he still just doesn’t get it even tho he says he knows wut it is and he cares


I am embarrassed cause it is literally a medical diagnostic that i am dumber than my friends and family and I never tell anyone and when parent teacher interviews my mum told every teacher and I didnt want them to fell like they had to slow the lessons down for me in class to understand cause no matter what I wont cause half the time im not paying attention cause i gave up in education after multiplication and basic spelling


Hi i have bought but i hid it my whole life so when i was 12 i startet to harm myself and i had suicidal thoughts because I didn't knew what was wrong with me and i am not a 100% shure that this are the resons but it isn't a thing in my family and i had a happy life outside of school


In South Africa if they find out that your dyslexic you will lose your job because they report you as a moron and it's very sad but that's a country live in a most people make jokes about dyslexic and everything and they don't realise how they hurt the dyslexic people


could you get all A’s but still have dyslexia?


People make fun of me because I don’t know how to spell little
