Software Dev Reacts to Let's Game It Out Steal ALL THE PIPES

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If you're just here to see the cat (Hobbes), watch until the end 😁


Let’s Game it out can be described by this sentence. “Am I going overboard? No! I’m not going overboard enough! I will go extra overboard!”


"I'm scared to see what his toaster looks like"

I'd bet you Josh microwaves his bread


it wasnt that the last row worked better, its that in the second test he only used the last row; to save the frame rate.


Fun Let's Game It Out fact:
His personal record RAM ever used on his computer was (I think) 38+ gigabytes. It was achieved using thousands upon thousands of fireworks in Planet Coaster, so much to the point the game didn't render them because they were out of distance.


Josh explained on his Twitch he has macros and auto clickers to set some of these weird things up like for fishing. Then he just leaves the game running over night. But for others things like building giant Tornados that he does himself. Basically if it's a repetitive consistent task he'll automate it depending on how far he wants to go.

Also he gave you a call out in that same stream, cheers!


While he is explaining, I was not paying attention but doing what anyone would: watching the cute cat playing


16:45 "What is he doing, this is legitimate"
20 seconds later. "Stunned silence"
How every Let's game it Out goes.


8:08 “i wanna make an art installation with objects in the air” oh well you’re in for a treat my friend 😂😂😂


You people talking about Josh finding bugs are so wrong. Josh doesn't find bugs, he discovers HIDDEN FEATURES.


17:25 This is my favorite part. After a while, you build up some pretty high expectation for Josh's insanity, but he always manages to exceed them.

> builds 10 machines
> "I'm going to build a few more of them"
I'm sure he's going to build like 200
> builds 2000


The funniest episode is the one with carts, that one has the most wild physics I've ever seen


Needed to rewatch your explanation for the flying truck at 10 mins twice since the first time i was just too focused on the Cat in the back. Keep it up!😂


If you were to consider the Pallets/Truck and the stuff stacked on them in a hierarchy, described as a tree such that:
- The Base is at the bottom of the stack, say the first pallet on the ground or the truck
- The first branches are sitting on the Base
- The second branches are sitting on the first branches
- etc...
The bugged collisions would probably be third branches colliding with first branches (not including the first branch they are attached to) or the Base (in the case of the truck)
So when you place a pallet on a pallet on a pallet, the items on the third pallet collide with the other items on the first pallet.

To sort this out, you either need to recursively check for branched attachments to diable collisions, or as you suggested prevent any double-layer (or more) attaching.

As for how the object moves during a bugged collision, my best guess would be that the object is trying to un-stuck itself and move outside of the colliding object. This doesn't work because the colliding object is attached and moves as well, resulting in this un-stuck movement being applied every frame.


I love that while you were talking about the bug with the trucks and the pallets, you could see someone playing with the cat. Pro tip: peacock feathers are great cat toys. You can wiggle them against the ground or different things, and if the surface is hard the rib of it will make a scritching noise that grabs cats' attention.


the truck demon was originally far more prevalent. it was (maybe still is) caused by the tractor tires, they have collision boxes, as does the tractor body, and the suspension "simulates" being weighed down. so when enough weight presses those two collision boxes together, they can't split because the tire has hard limits on its movement but can't escape the truck collision mesh. several versions ago the truck would do this at the drop of a hat whenever you even clipped a rock or debris while driving. nowadays its actually pretty rare unless your specifically trying to glitch the truck


I've never ceased to be amazed by all the work that Josh puts into avoiding work.


The best/funniest episode of hydroneer is "I set off so many nukes it ended reality in hydroneer." For reasons not at all pertaining to nukes.


I heard a rumor that Let's Game it Out's house heater broke and he maxes out the games to turn his computer into a space heater.


I really like this channel. You've inspired me to play Satisfactory again for the first time in a year, and I haven't been able to stop.
