The Most Mysterious Angel In The Bible

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►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.


Title: The Most Mysterious Angel In The Bible



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Jesus Christ is coming back to earth. Repent and turn away from sins. Read your holy Bible and ask God for wisdom.


The best way to understand the office of Cherub, Ezekiel 28 is brilliant at it, but as we rightly divide the word of Truth, as the Apostle Paul exhorts believers to do, we get a clear image of what cherubim, actually are, remember Lucifer was referred to as the elect Guardian cherub, this is an office, it's a station – with the normal business transacting in heaven on a day-to-day basis which is more like a hearing going on Jesus ascended to the right hand that would make him The Advocate or defense attorney, Satan's Authority was relegated to that of Here Comes – the prosecutor, or as his Fallen identity reveals himself – 'the Satan' or "the adversary..." the "accuser of the brethren"

Cherubs are the bailiffs or the sheriff's in heaven, they execute specific orders from a fairly lofty position and it would make sense why the cherubim guarded The Mercy Seat symbolically on the Ark of the Covenant, because of the mercy seat was there and inside of the Ark of the Covenant were the staff that bubbed representing life after death, and the holy presence of God, well he would have been surrounded by cherubim.


Kind a opens your mind up about how God created all creatures to their own kind.
How many animals that went extinct before the flood?? Something to think about.


Let's get Archangels Michael and Gabriel 👼🏻👼🕊️🤍 AMEN 🤍👼👼🏻🕊️💫
