A Day in Roaring 20's Berlin | 1927 AI Enhanced Film [Version 1]

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Experience the real Babylon Berlin of the 1920's. Teeming with flappers, bobbed hair, cloche hats, and the dancing girls of Berlin's infamous Cabaret scene.
AI enhanced with deep AI neural networks.
Watch the much improved ai colorization of this now :
Roaring 20's Berlin in Color: Dawn till dusk in 3 minutes

By 1924, post WW1 Germany's economy had stabilized and crime began to decline. This era was known as the "Golden Years" of Weimar. Berlin in particular saw a cultural explosion.
The 1929 Crash and Great Depression which followed it, saw an end to democracy and the rise of fascism.

This is a short AI enhanced edit of the Walther Ruttmann classic silent documentary film.
Berlin : Symphony of a Great City 1927.

In no way, do we wish to detract from the original film. As a fan of the 'silent' film genre, it is truly a masterpiece of the film style known as 'actuality'. Stunning to watch in all it's glory and at it's original frame length. Hopefully this short edit, which is primarily focused on Berlin's women, will help introduce a host of new fans to the work of Walther Ruttmann.

AI Restoration Process:

1. DeNoise and removed artifacts.
2. Increased motion interpolation to 60 fps, using a deep learning open source program Dainapp.
3. Upscaled using AI to 4K resolution
4. Added color using Deoldify
5. New ambient soundtrack created.

This short AI enhanced film is published here for preservation purposes and - using the transformative power of AI technology, to add an immersive experience to the work of early pioneer filmmakers.

It is free to view and not commercially available on DVD or for republishing elsewhere.
Published here under the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video as outlined by the Center for Media & Social Impact.
Рекомендации по теме

Wonderful to see Berlin in 1927. My grandmother was born there in 1903 and left in 1926. She always missed her beloved Berlin. Thank you so much for the great footage. By the way...she lived to the ripe old age of 105. Still could touch her toes. Maria Alfreda Schmidt.


None of these people could have imagined they would be watched nearly a century later.


A potent reminder that it doesn’t take long for a society to go completely off the rails.


The year my mother was born, she is still alive.


I can't get over the quality of clothing and fabrics. It's so obvious they were very well made. The tailoring was excellent. The weaving of fabrics look stellar. Fast fashion has done us such a disservice.


Everyone looks so stylish! I wish we still had clothes like that.


it’s still hard for me to think about that this isn’t an reenactment of some kind, it’s the Actual recordings of people in 1927
gosh dang


In 1927 my Italian grandma, who was born 30th July 1919 and is therefore now about to turn 102, was a kid jumping around, playing with dolls and helping at home. She actually still remembers that very good, especially the glacial winter of 1929. What an incredible life, going from no-electricity or plumbing at home to having an iPhone. 🧐😎😱 I'm trying to write a song about all that. EDIT: Thanks everyone. Yesterday morning, 16th February 2021, my grandma Caterina De Gasperi peacefully left this earth 🌍 for the infinite journey. What an amazing, long and richful life she lived. God bless her, may she continue to be in the other life the strong woman she'd been in this! 🥰


As a Berliner born in '82, this is fascinating to see how it looked back then. I wish those Cabrio busses would still be around! Berlin was a beautiful city back then. I was lucky to grow up in an equally beautiful old building from the 1890s that was only slightly damaged during the war.


What a life it was before WW2. Clothes were so elegant long ago.


It's sad to think of the destruction and loss of historical buildings and culture that Europe lost due to the second world war.


1927 Berlin, If only these people could see the storm that was on the horizon.


We watch people walk by oh so often, forgetting how fascinating human lives are, and that we are part of history :)


It’s like... watching things that happened yesterday...


These people are our ancestors. They were young once, they loved, they suffered, they got through all the same ailments we go through. They're all dead and a new swarm of human beings replaced them. And so we will die and will be replaced by another swarm that will go through all the same stuff. This makes me aware of the big scale of life, of its cycle, and how small yet big we are.


My grandfather was 35 years old when this film was made. He was born in 1892. He died the year Viking landed on Mars.


What impresses me most is that about a decade later all this peace and glamour disappeared with the war. It's really sad...


Everyone here probably thought they were living in an advanced future.


I’m glad I found this channel cause this is the closest thing we’ll get to a time machine with YouTube! Unless someone magically invents a plutonium fueled time machine in a DeLorean.


I have mixed feeling when i watch old videos . Sadness because those people are long gone and happy to see how they ve lived.
