Live Stream: Warrior cultures and magic in fantasy world building

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Join me for a discussion on warrior cultures and classes in fantasy world building. We'll discuss what they are, what they offer the fantasy world building, examples from our history and what impact magic would have on such cultures.

#justintimeworlds #mariemullany #worldbuilding #warriorculture
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The Minbari from Babylon 5 are a good example of a warrior class. Their society has three castes - warrior, worker and religious - with each caste having their own culture and traditions and even language.


The way I see it, magic works well as a way to bring Warrior Culture back and make it plausible event in high-tech settings. If that's what we want to do. Because mages can be destroyers, more than capable to justify the investment in intensive training from the age of 4, or 7. Battle-Mages are one of my favourite kinds of mage. In that case, of course, your elite warriors ARE your warrior culture.


What about a warrior culture with a battle mage class that could defend the regular warriors from the enemy mages?


What I think would be interesting is to have an elite class of Mages train to hunt other Mages


Algo que se me ocurre, ya sea una cultura guerrera o una clase guerrera, es el uso de la magia en la maquinaria de guerra: A lo mejor podrías darle piernas a un ariete y animarlo.

Podríamos tener el dilema de si es ético el usar "robots" en la guerra, pero en una época dónde lo más avanzado que se tiene es la ballesta.


What about Shadowrun? Would you say Shadowrunners count as a "warrior culture", with their mercenary way of life? Would the setting need to mature a couple hundred years more for that sort of glorified bandit to mature into a valid instance of the warrior archetype? Perhaps the grand, grand, grandchildren of Shadowrunners will be born inside a proper warrior caste? If not a proper warrior culture.


I like your content, but i dont like watching the live videos which is a shame because the topics you picked for them are interesting to me.
