DIY Picket Fence | Building Our Dream Garden

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We finally got to start on our DIY picket fence. We are building it using 4x4 and 1x4 boards. We put the 4x4s two feet in the ground and tamped them in with gravel followed by dirt. We are cutting all the 1x4s at 45-degree angles to give a point and straight across at the bottom. We are nailing them up using a nail gun. We hung a string line from each 4x4 post to ensure we kept the boards straight. One day at a time we are building our dream garden area!




Thank you for joining us on our journey as we restore our forever farmhouse and begin our homestead!

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DISCLAIMER: My husband and I recently bought a neglected 34-acre farm with several barns, buildings, and a two-story farmhouse. Our plans are to restore the farm and farmhouse to its former glory all while adding our own individual style and design. We decided to vlog the entire renovation process for our own personal records and for future generations. We are in no way experts in renovating nor do we claim to be professionals. All Lewis Acres Homestead videos are for entertainment purposes only. We recommend you always consult professional experts when completing any home renovations and wear proper protective gear.

I am not a professional I am only sharing what I have learned and my opinion.
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It's going to be a great size. I tried for years raising enough food to can for a family of 5 in a smallish kitchen garden. Finally, I gave in and let David use his tractor to make the rows and planted out at least 150 feet of everything. WOW!! We had so much we were selling the extras locally. I now have thousands of canning jars because I NEEDED them 😅 Plus he can cultivate which cuts down on weeding. We just pull the larger stuff. The fencing is our problem, too. We have went from barbed wire to hog wire to keep the cows and horses out - but it's just a section at a time in the higher pressure areas. It's not cheap to do and a full time job keeping our regular fencing in repair. I have my chickens in a huge chicken run and only let them out to free range when the "field garden" is off season. I have a 4 foot fence around my small kitchen garden and the chickens seem to respect it, like yours do.


The garden will look wonderful! Nice sized too! Don’t forget to use trellis (we just built some for ours) for veggies that can climb, mulch to keep weeds down, and document each year of what works and what doesn’t. I agree with some on the fence, stain. The paint will be more upkeep. But the garden will be productive and beautiful, keep up the wonderful work!


I love the look of the barn from the garden. Y'all doing such a good job on your property. Remember, the race wasn't given to the swift but to the one that ensures 🙏🏽


Ooh picket fence! This will be gorgeous and worth all your hard work❤


Looking good! Everything is so expensive but when you get to do just what you wanted, it's worth it. I hope everything works out exactly like you both want. Blessings! 💙💙💙


I love picket fences. It’s going to look so great once it’s all done.


I can see y'all's vision. It's gonna be amazing. 😊


What a beautiful homestead y’all are building ❤❤


Ahhhh, we have to put a fence around our garden this year too. We got away with electric fence for the first 2 year's we lived here, but the end of last year's garden season, the deer discovered our garden. (We have SOOO MANY deer) 😢😢😢
We managed to keep the chickens out with the electric fence and an occasional sting from the paintball gun, but now that the deer know this garden is here, we don't stand a chance of growing a good garden unless we put up a 6 ft fence. We have a gigantic garden too, it's bigger than our house. 😂😂😂

That picket fence looks fabulous. Custom made always looks better and serves us better.

I can't wait to start eating fresh fruits and veggies. I love summer.


Wow! That’s a huge garden! 🥕 🥔 🍅🫘🫛🌶️🧄 You two are very ambitious and have done amazing clean up to your farm! I’ve enjoyed watching all your progress!


You guys are doing really good job.❤ Hope to see more garden stuff in your videos.🙏


Love your fence. Your garden is going to be amazing! I'm looking forward to your next video.


You have a beautiful garden area. Thank you for sharing this update.


Yes, I have one of them holes and they are great. I like that. I actually probably need to do some weeding myself myself tomorrow.


Lots of hard work…it will pay off!


That's going to be a good sized garden. The fence is really nice, its going to look good. I dont think I'd paint it, once painted, it turns into something to a maintenance issue. If it's just stained/sealed seems less maintenance. And it's strange to hear your chickens respect your fence; free roaming chickens in our town, get on top of 6' privavy fence and up in tbe trees. I like the idea of a sitting area under your tree, perfect spot. The 1st year of establishing a garden is the hardest, but its going to a good one!


You should do a chicken run in between the 4x 16 beds to keep out the bugs!!


Love your fence. Your place is looking so good 🌷🇨🇦


You guyd have really made progress! Look forward to seeing it all done.


Thank you r your home is beautiful ! Love it!
