Applications of Clinical Microbial Next-Generation Sequencing - American Academy of Microbiology
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The American Academy of Microbiology hosted an event at the National Press Club in February 2016 to disseminate the report, "Applications of Clinical Microbial Next-Generation Sequencing".
A panel of 4 speakers discussed real world applications of NGS and findings from the report, followed by a brief question and answer session. The speakers were:
Stefano Bertuzzi, Ph.D., M.P.H., CEO of ASM
George Weinstock, Ph.D., Chair, Colloquium Steering Committee
Joseph Campos, Ph.D., ASM Secretary and Colloquium Participant
Charles Chiu, Ph.D., Colloquium Participant
This event was sponsored by bioMérieux and Illumina, Inc.
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has the capacity to provide crucial clinical benefits in patient care, patient outcomes, and public health, however, clinical laboratories must find ways to overcome operational, technical, regulatory, and strategic challenges in order to effectively employ NGS-based diagnostic tests. The Academy convened a colloquium on this topic in April 2015. Beyond the potential lifesaving impact of NGS methodologies, the report examines the main deterrents and shortcomings of the technology such as the data analysis and management pipelines, regulatory concerns and reimbursement issues, and the creation and maintenance of curated and secure databases. The report, titled Applications of Clinical Microbial Next-Generation Sequencing provides recommendations and suggestions for combating these current limitations to implementing NGS in clinical settings.