I Invented a New DIY Storage System! Better than Pegboard or French Cleats?

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Welcome to the official April Wilkerson YouTube channel. I’m April and I’m the creator of Wilker Do’s. I'm not professional or have any training, so I just pick the project I want to tackle and figure it out step by step. On this channel you will find a variety of content like DIY home improvement, How-To’s, construction and more.
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Lady, what you share is totally brilliant! Not only that, but you communicate it clearly and quickly without a syllable wasted. Thank you for doing what you do!


Awesome idea! To save time on cutting the full sheet of plywood you could place the cut every 4-6" and on the back of tool holder have multiple 1" slots that could give you the same adjustments in space. Fewer cuts with the large heavy plywood and a lot easier to do with the smaller manageable pieces. I've been thinking of doing a French Cleat wall, but I like this better!


As a would-be-woodworker, I have been impressed with your many creative and useful projects posted on YouTube over the years.

You again have struck gold with this simple, inexpensive, small-space, readily-accessible tool storage solution. I fear that your obvious genius for problem solving has made me intellectually lazy, but I am certainly not shy about emulating your many successes.

Also, you are a great teacher…
Your ability to break down each project (big or small) into palatable pieces that affords even the rankest novice the confidence to not only attempt, but complete similar projects is truly a gift.

Millions of YouTubers are very happy you traded your baton for a tool belt!


Seems like a jig with a track saw would be more simple and easier than wrangling the 4x8….


Glad I'm not the only one who uses PVC pipe like that. You can even cut a slot in it and widen it with heat gun if you need modifications for something like a handle.


Great idea, seems like 2" spacing would be flexible enough.


Interesting idea! My primary concern would be longevity, since the only thing that appears to be holding weight is the lamination between the plys. I worry that those might separate over time of repeated use and stress. Hope I'm wrong! Awesome seeing folks trying new ideas.


Here's an idea for those without a table saw, for groving large sheets. Make a foot plate for your circular saw that has a hanger bar (the 1/8" bar) installed in it, at the grove distance you want away from a 1/8" saw blade (often called a demo blade). After the first cut the"hanger" bar will auto space the consecutive cuts.
Some adjustments may be needed to make the"hanger" bar slide smoothly in the grove.


OMG... I was using this design about 10 years ago, I was given some boards with 45 degree slot in every 50mm ( 2inches ) and the first thing I did was to put my steel rules in the slots... then, I hooked things on them, then cut slots in boards to hand stull... well you get the idea, I binned it all 6 years ago and went back to French cleat :-)


This new storage method is so great. The tip on using screws to install plywood instead of nails for later upgrades is also a great tip.


I just built a new house with a 14'x32' woodworking shop. I've been struggling to decide what I wanted to use for organization on the walls, and I think I just found it. Simple design, easy to construct and very easy to make the attachment system. Thanks for sharing.


As someone that was about to French cleat two workshops, this is definitely the direction I'm going to go, when I'm back on my feet


April, I have a french cleat system in my shop but there is a lot of wasted space. I like the look of the slot wall, especially with the grain of the plywood along with the grooves on the plywood. Thanks so much for sharing!


April, Thank you for all that you give! All this time and you still let your joy shine for us!!


That is a totally cool idea! Only one issue i see is you may need to space screws to counter possible bowing of the panel itself! You totally understand my concern!


Using screws for panels is a no brainer. I think 1.5" or 2" or 3" spacing, and certainly not the entire panel height. I can see 'Slot-45' (great term) is much better than french cleat, and MUCH better than slat wall. I would use smaller panels like 2' x 4', which could be screwed to the wall, so you could move them later. Great review of the idea, and yes, would like more shop organization vids.


Wow! "Back in 2016" ? I remember when you built that. I remember when you were in you first little tiny garage/shop. And how big and amazing your next shop was. Funny how time flies!


Thanks April! Not a new idea but a good one to show. I showed that idea (with 3mm Baltic Birch instead of metal strips) to the builders of a new fab lab being built at our college. They went with pegboard wall sections though as it was "ready made" and assorted hooks were cheap bought in bulk. If the 45 degree slots could've been cut on their CNC they might have used it.


great idea, i will be giving a test run
I did not see the link for give a way from Senco, it only went to their product page


Nice idea! And those lines make plain old plywood look upscale. When I saw the first part of the video, I thought it was Baltic birch, and was surprised to see it was common plywood. So a double win - functional and upgrades the looks for just a little time investment. I'm finishing a workshop in my basement soon, and had been thinking of using plywood. Now I'm thinking of using this cleat idea, even for the panels that will be left plain. Improved looks, and easy future changes to tool and supply hanging locations. Being retired, the time to make cuts is not an issue.
