Caregiving Is Real Work — Let’s Treat It That Way | The Way We Work, a TED series

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Every day, people around the world spend 16 billion hours on unpaid care work — cooking for families, caring for children and older relatives and other routine household tasks — often in addition to other jobs. Employment advocate Sharmi Surianarain says we need to not only acknowledge this labor but also build supportive workplaces that put policies with care work top of mind.

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I've had the privilege of taking care of my mother, father, and sister at the end of their lives. It was exhausting, frustrating, and spiritual. When I was caring for my father, my employer was not understanding or flexible causing much undue stress and hardship. After my father's passing, I resigned. When my sister became terminally ill, I worked for an agency that was caring and compassionate. This organization respected and encouraged me to care for her and this was beneficial for everyone involved.


One of the most neglected inevitabilities of living, is the eventual need for care. Caregivers receive, almost inconceivably, even less regard than teachers.


I was my mother’s caregiver for the last decade. In my case, it was a mistake to take on that responsibility as a ‘second job’ like it is here proposed. It should have come first and only. Now I regret it so much that I cannot live with myself, literally. I miss her so much. Caregiving has to be treated by families and society as a priority or we will lose our humanity and life will not be worth living. It shouldn’t be that hard. Goodbye now. I wish you find the right way.


We definitely could value the care workers in our communities so much more 🖤🖤🖤


"Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.”

― Oscar Wilde


One of the most exhausting but rewarding job


I never thought that it was not. Any work, in this case caregiving, that helps the elderly or infirmed live a better life is admirable.


Great video. Just a note that I'm a male caring for my mother who has low mobility. Men can be carers too!


This is for EVERYONE. Structuring our eniroment and culture around those that are not full able and their caregivers is expanding everywhere from policy and design, and we're discovering it benefits everyone. Its like making a ramp in a public place- it can benefit parents with strollers, people in wheelchairs, or someone just carrying something heavy. Whatever your lifestyle, having flexible work hours, a supportive work enviroment, and long periods you can take off for your health or urgent matter, all of these are great things to implement. You don't have to be a caregiver now or need care in the present, but everyone will at some point need some type of care, and we can build around that reality to better it.


Caretaking and domestic labor is a major subsidy of work that takes place out of the home which is usually paid. The former is seen as natural duty and the latter is a result of merit. More should recognize this and the implications of this on our society.


I've been a trauma patient & caregiver (dual-military vet). Caregiving is harder. I get it's tough from a policy perspective! But for those saying whatever, it's like being a parent: ok, so maternity/family leave is a thing. For a reason. And the time-intensive part here has no time limits, esp for elderly care; there're no public school for Alzheimer's parents. Instead of a child finally sleeping thru the night & developing independence, a degenerative illness will only get worse, indefinitely. It can be a soul crushing amt of work & should be respected. Like parenthood should! (That's before one even touches "choice" issues, which is too messy to try here.)


As a caregiver I've had to cut my 40 hour work week down to 30. Sometimes 25.
I'm not here to complain or to ask for compensation. More than 20% of Americans are over the age of 80. Most live in retirement homes but many live with family. Regardless of location, family involvement is key. Many states do offer compensation for care giving to help reduce the strain off of our understaffed facilities.
If you find yourself in the role of caregiver, it is crucial that your employer knows!
What a wonderful world this would be if we ALL took better care of each other!


Your video highlights truths everyone should embrace as we all need to be taking action to help one another through life's journeys ! After all we are all human beings it's a crying shame how people take advantages of others kindness to help as we all do it for love not money 🙏😊


As a disabled adult, I don't love this video. People already don't take us seriously about needing paid caregivers, especially family members. Paying a parent of a non-disabled child is very different than paying someone (stranger, friend, parent, spouse, etc.) to care for a permanently disabled person who will need help with almost everything for their whole life. By lumping all care together, this is why people don't take disabled people seriously. There is regular care vs extraordinary care. It is important to make that distinction.


Everything is a big skill today.. 🎉 Be proud, be colorfull


There once was a time, not that long ago, when TED Talks highlighted true experts in their field. Science, technology, medicine, climate, city planning, and other true experts, with published papers and peer-reviewed evidence, shared their hard-won expertise with a wider audience.

Now, apparently, anyone with an opinion can conduct a TED Talk.


we raised 3 kids and never had any problems with our various emp;loyers around this. actually they were mostly really cool about it. intel gave me a month off when my mom died.


I caregive for my mom with Parkinsons and I only get paid minimum wage 3.5 hrs a day. It's rough..


We know how to take care of stray dogs and stray cats, and we need someone to take care of me if I'm abandoned like a dog and a cat. The nation, society, and our thoughts should be the same. Why? Because man is the warrant of all things!


Depends on how you look at it. To some, they don't consider caretaking as a job and treat it as more of an obligation. Now I'm not here to degrade or offend caretakers. I have respect for them. I could barely take care of myself, let alone other people.
