GI Joe Classified Python Crimson Guard Review

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In this video I review the GI Joe Classified Python Patrol Crimson Guard. This is a Target exclusive and can only be purchased there or on Hasbro Pulse. We will compare him to the O-Ring and see how close he is.

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Nice review! I’m also a fan of the CG figure. The uniform is strong & intimidating. I like the Python Patrol also. My bro had them all as kids. Really cool. I bet as the end of the PP line approaches we’ll see Armors CC.

BTW: Grand Blanc Walmart had Shipwreck today. I was shocked to see the wave in stores!

How about SDCC? Anything you most excited for? I loved what they are doing across the line completely. 788 looks vicious and the vamp looks amazing! GI Joe is FULL throttle right now & hitting in EVERY cylinder. It’s REALLY exciting!

I subscribed today! Looking forward to future reviews! ✌️


If they ever made a trope builder pack for Python Patrol I wouldn't mind a slight variation of this inspired by the deco on the Retro which has the single rank cuff on his wrist. Also this one is much of of a medium yellow so a light yellow and a slightly different helmet would justify it I think have a reissue/repaint at some point. I like the chest deco on this one it goes nicely with the Viper and also will look rather nice with the forthcoming Python Patrol Televiper too.

I wouldn't mind a variation though as I think that would suit the possibility they will do a Python Trooper and a Python Infantry too. There will be a similar contrast if/when we get a Cobra Officer repainted into a Stinger Driver too.

Not sure I'd need a Python Viper Officer but I won't complain if they did make one.


I think an Arctic Crimson Guard would look awesome


The figure looks very cool man. I have to get like 3 or 4.😀✌️💡


Hope they do a black version with metallic silver or gold the elite guards


Did you buy off a secondary market like eBay, Punk? These aren't showing at my target until after the 30th. Too many Joes to keep up with lately.


Nobody wants these so I just had to return 4 to Target. I kept 2 tho. Love em. Imagine coming across 8 Target exclusives and it's more like a pile of piss than a bucket of gold 😅😅


I have talked to people in Hong Kong who claim to have Range Vipers in hand, wouldn't you think one would have been reviewed by now?


I am not a fan of yellow, but for some reason, this figure is gorgeous with this paint job and net/scale patern.


As much as I like the python viper colors, I hate this crimson guard. They could easily had him be a crimson colored python pattern.
