Types of Nurse Preceptors *FUNNY* 😂

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Almost in my 4th year of nursing and I still REFUSE to be tough on the new ones. No matter how busy I am or not in the mood to precept that day, it's always important to remember that I was also scared and "helpless". It's all about empathy!


My preceptor was impatient, condescending and would bad mouth me to the other nurses Bc I didn’t know how to do certain skills she never taught me how to do. She rolled her eyes, snatched things out of my hands Bc she was too
Impatient. I fought back tears at work and cried at home not bc of the workload (which was rough), but from the bullying. They did this to another new nurse and she eventually quit bc she couldn’t handle the bullying. I knew what they were saying about me behind my back, but i refused to let them win. When new nurses came after me, I was patient, kind and made sure they knew they could come to me if they needed anything. Those early days of nursing were traumatizing to say the least. I’m a nurse practitioner now and my heart goes out to new nurses. I hope they have a kinder start than many of us did.


As a graduate nurse, my preceptor was the type. It wasn't until halfway through hell that I found out I could fire them and request another preceptor. Remember, this is your education; don't let anyone stand in your way.


I have always been a motivational preceptor to students. These students are so nervous and I try to offer them support.


This video MUST shown at hospitals’ preceptors who are signed with New grad Residency programs nurses . It may show them what is ok what is not !


I had the worst preceptor ever when I worked in an ER . I barely lasted 2 months due to the bullying, not teaching me skills and lying about me to management. I was basically just used to insert ivs the whole time. I had to basically keep personal notes to protect myself from her lies. It's frustrating when you want to learn but you're abandoned for most of the shift. Absolute nightmare that place was.
A year later, I went to a new hospital and had the best preceptor to ever exist. She was kind, compassionate, patient and thoughtful. She even took the time to pray for me in the med room when it was a difficult shift. It was so refreshing to see that great preceptors do exist.
Now when I precept and train new nurses, I make sure they can come to me for absolutely anything. Even if I'm drowning in my own assignment, I'll still make time to help.


I had the hot mess, but she was such a role model for me in lots of ways - so compassionate and genuinely went out of her way to make bedside everything to the patients


To all the preceptors that are mean: do you like getting called every day that you are off by management begging you to come in? No? Then be nice, so that new nurses don't quit. Even more experienced nurses don't want to work around/with negative, angry, holier than thou people. I know that I don't.


Definitely easy going motivational and very protective of my new nurses. I’ve precepted for over 25 years. My job is to make them good nurses and team players… makes it easier on me😂


I remember being in nursing school and mainly got

1. Don't care what you do, just do whatever but if you talk to me I'll seem mildy annoyed while acting nice.
2. The impatient one and then ignores you for the rest of your 8 hrs you're there, and only speaking to me once throughout the shift without me initiating a conversation.
3. Super nice one that you can tell who actually cares about their pt and take the time of their day to teach you and make sure that you know this is a learning opportunity

I know some other people in my class got nurses who literally rolled their eyes/sigh when they learned they were getting a student.

Now that I work as a RN, idk how those RNs continue to work while hating their fucking job that much. I can't imagine treating a student or a new nurse like that


I am sooo lucky i got the easy going one, she was soo patient, kind and understanding...sometimes i call her, just randomly and thank her...Thank you for being kind to me, and protective and always ready to explain to me in a humble way....I always remember her kindness, i hope one day il be able to do the same to another new nurse


I’m so the protective type. But I’m stealth about it. Don’t you mess with my ducklings lol.


The fact that these “personalities” appear to be so universal shows that whichever one you experience as a nursing student - it’s not really about you. People just are who they are.


Stress pee, stress eat, stress pace, stress cry, stress yell, stress hide….those are sacred student rite of passages. Tread carefully. 🤪🤣


Lord just give me the easy going and motivation and protective one please!


I was not a nurse but I WAS a CNA for 16 years. I had every kind of preceptor shown on here. The impatient one, the micromanager and the tough one all gave me anxiety attacks. Blake these videos are awesome!-


This could not come at a better time, literally doing my preceptorship rn and this is relevant!!!


Back in my time they were called a clinical instructor. Mine was as crusty as a loaf of pumpernickel. She hid behind closed curtains and would pop out and “surprise” you 😂


I love students and never, ever tried to intimidate, humiliate or make them feel stupid. I am still friends on FB with some of the students (and new nurses) who passed my way. It has been 25 years with some of them. I so enjoy seeing them become such wonderful nurses, wives and mothers.


Thanks to masking at all times, I’ve been able to cry right in front of them without them noticing!! 😂😂
