Send Legal Notice for Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act (Step-by-Step) | MyAdvo

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Legal Notice for Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act

Are you facing serious #matrimonial #disputes and unable to find out any solution? Or your #spouse has whimsically left you without any proper reason. In this case you can get relief by sending a #legal #notice under #section 9 of the #Hindu #Marriage #Act.

Find a good #Advocate who has good drafting skills and technical knowhow in the field of Matrimonial Disputes and get your legal notice regarding marriage #problems drafted.

In India, mostly among #Hindus, marriage is considered as a sacred institution and as such the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 under which the Hindu marriage is governed has given a remedy for restitution of the marriage.

According to section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 If any of the spouse without any reasonable excuse, leave another Spouse then the aggrieved party, may send a legal notice under section 9 of Hindu marriage Act and ask him/her to return back.

If the legal notice under section 9 of Hindu Marriage Act doesn’t produce any result then the aggrieved party can approach the Court for restitution of conjugal rights.

However, if you are dealing with a stressful scenario of desertion by your spouse, where you need legal assistance, then you should straightaway head to a good Matrimonial lawyer for a consultation.

You can find one easily through #MyAdvo!

There are several essential circumstances which need to be fulfilled for sending notice under Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act

1) Spouses should not be staying together at the same place.
2) One party must have withdrawn from the society of the other without giving any reasonable reason or excuse.

Even After sending notice under section 9 if you failed to get the desired result you can approach the appropriate legal Forum and can file a suit under Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act. But you should keep in mind that the said petition can get rejected if the following grounds are present there.

1) If the petitioner of the suit admits that he/she has committed any matrimonial misconduct which is a ground of Divorce.

2) If the respondent of the suit is capable of claiming any matrimonial relief against the petitioner.

3) If the petitioner’s action creates an atmosphere beyond the level of toleration and makes it impossible for the respondent to stay with the petitioner.

The decree of restitution of conjugal rights cannot be executed by forcing the opposite party who has refused to stay with the person who institutes suit for restitution of conjugal rights.

However, there is another way out of this loopholes. such as, if the decree of restitution of conjugal rights is not honored for a period of more than one year subsequent to the date of the decree, it becomes a ground for divorce, and the aggrieved party can then directly send divorce notice to another, with the help of a good divorce lawyer.

For sending a legal notice to your spouse, you can check out sample legal notice format for dissolution of marriage attached herewith in PDF Format, it's best you consult a lawyer who can guide you well on the process, all through. You can find expert divorce lawyers near you in India through MyAdvo.

Since a lawyer’s letterhead is of prime importance, therefore while sending a legal notice, you should seek help from a legal practitioner before you take a step ahead.

Today, with everything digitally available, finding a lawyer is not a task but finding a good lawyer may prove hassle-some.

With MyAdvo you can even find a sample legal Notice under section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act for you, showing the format that is to be followed.

To ease this issue, you can always come to MyAdvo where you will have access to over 10,000 lawyers spread across 60+ cities in India.

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