Black Eyed Kids - THIS Happens if You Let Them In!

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What the heck are these Black Eyed Kids?! We go over 2 historically documented accounts. One of the first ever cases of black eyed children from over 60 years ago, and the story that really kicked off the modern understanding of these strange beings. Stick around for two stories of what happens... if you let them in. (and a very strange connection with the MIB?)

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Story Sources:

#blackeyedkids #urbanlegends #scarystories

"The Black Eyed Children: Revised 2nd Edition" - David Weatherly
"Mortal Kombat: Annihilation" - New Line Cinema

This video is made for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is compiled using online sources I am either licensed to use or have credited in this video's description. No copyright infringement is intended. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education & research.
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Normally I would have opened the door, but after these last few years I just assumed that they were trying to set me up for a home invasion. You got anyone you don't know knocking on your door looking for help tell them you're on the phone right now calling the cops for them


Ooh you're spoiling us now with "another" black eyed kids video. I'd never heard of the 2nd one so that was a treat. The 1st one is really well known but good none the less as is the 3rd story. I just cannot get enough of them. Love ghost stories too but who doesn't?
Thank you so much!


They’ll be black eyed kids if they came knocking at my door at 2 am


They cause illnesses that leads to death, then financial problems and so many things go wrong in the persons lives after letting them in. Then there are the constant nightmares like Erin is experiencing that causes them to extreme depression.


In my experience, the truth is often stranger than fiction. I won't rule it out if they do exist. I've witnessed many strange things in my life.


They try to dismiss demons aren’t real and other stuff but they will change there mind if they have those encounters with actual black eyed children it’s the fear of quiet at night thst sets the tone


I have had two black-eyed person encounters. Both encounters happened sometime between 1987-88. The first encounter was with a normal looking, normal speaking young white boy. He seemed to be between 8 to 10 years old. The very next day, in the very same spot, at the very same time of day, I suddenly saw and spoke with a black-eyed woman. She was Caucasian, and she wore business-like attire, suitable for an office setting. Obviously, I am leaving out a lot of details. Essentially, what I wanted to tell you is that you are reproducing the facial demeanor (as regards the young white boy that I saw) very well. The young white boy wore a hoodie, with the hood up, and during our entire chat, he kept his head nodded slightly forward. As he spoke, he constantly kept looking down at the toes of his sneakers. He persistently kept asking to use my landline phone, and I persistently kept replying (as we stood in the open doorway of my country home) that there was a truck stop right across the road (I previously worked there for 4 years) and that he should go over there and use the payphone in the upstairs lounge. Eventually, as we chatted, he looked me in the eye, and I saw that both of his eyes were indeed completely black. For some reason, the sight of this did not "flip" me out. I think it was because, from the moment he began to speak, he seemed obviously self-conscious about looking me directly in the eye. From this behavior, I could tell that something was troubling him, even before I knew what the 'something' was. From what I can remember, I never perceived a single instant of dread. To me, he just seemed like a troubled 9-year-old boy, who, for some unexplained reason, had completely black eyes. Remember that, here in the USA, back in 1987, we didn't have internet, and I had certainly never heard any "spooky" stories about black-eyed children. In other words, I was too uninformed to be afraid.
Regarding the high-quality with which you reproduce the facial demeanor of the young, white-skinned black-eyed boy that I saw, I want to ask... have you personally ever had a black-eyed child encounter? I get the feeling that you have.


I can’t believe why this lady don’t have more followers she’s a amazing story teller!!!


The last story is typical of what people experience after letting BEKS in a person’s home.


No way would I open my door to Anyone, kids included, day or night, snow, rain or Any weather. I'd say I'm calling the police to help you (through the door) and see if they leave. If not, I'd call the police and just wait for them to get there. Kids are used as decoys for home invasions.


BEK stories really creep me out. Please, keep all of your stories coming. ♥️✌️😲Love the special effects!


I've heard about the black eyed children on radio show Coast to Coast .


Searched Google for channels similar to MrBallen new to your channel so liked and subscribed. Seems like you put more of a lighthearted spin on stories which is new and interesting within the horror story telling community. also love you're narrator voice too much love from the UK 😃👍


I tapped the Like Button on this video and all my hair grew back!!


I had someone violently rattling my door-handle about 2 a.m. I knew the house was locked up properly, so I just pulled the covers up round my ears. If someone wants help they can go to another house. There are plenty to choose from.


Never let strangers in your house ever!! I learned this early when my neighbor was murdered after letting someone in their house.


Deliciously terrifying. Thanks for another compilation of spooky stories.


I've encountered black eyed children at least twice and I suspect it was 3 times. They're a type of psychic vampire. The things that go bump in the night evolve just as we do.


Very unsettling the way the two stories were narrated. Keep going, Madam, with more of such spooky stuff.


I had been hearing about black eyed children for years, here and there, in stories on the internet, but about 8 or 9 years ago, on a summer evening just before dusk, I saw one. I was leaving a large grocery store and saw a raggedy looking little boy around 7 or 8 standing near the edge of the parking lot in some bushes. The parking lot had very tall light posts set into islands of landscaping plants, mostly bushes about 3 or 4 feet tall and usually a ring of flowers at the outside edge of the little islands. The whole planted area being maybe 8 feet across.
An older woman (mid to late 60's?) was putting groceries into the backseat of her car when I noticed the boy. He had stepped clear of the landscaping bushes about two empty parking spaces from her, took a few small steps toward her then saw me standing there by my car looking at him. He looked straight at me and his eyes were totally black. He only paused a second and didn't even turn around. He back stepped right back into the bushes and sort of squatted down. I don't think the woman even knew he was there. I just stood there, probably looking stupid. She finished getting her bags loaded, got in her car and drove away. I had gotten into my car but was just sitting there watching the bushes because the whole thing just seemed so odd. But after getting into my car and getting settled, I couldn't see him squatting there. I was only maybe 5 car lengths from where he stepped back into the bushes. It was just a small clump of landscaping bushes not a woods. There was no place for him to go without stepping out of the bushes into my line of sight again and there were very few cars in that end of the parking lot for him to have run to and hidden behind. When he didn't come out again I drove towards the bushes and circled them. I was afraid to get out of my car because it was about then that it really dawned on me that his face had looked so odd. That his eyes had been totally black. I was totally creeped out too because that kid was not hiding in those bushes. He was just gone.
