Обзор на осциллограф Iwatsu-Lecroy LT224

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Обзор на осциллограф Iwatsu-Lecroy LT224

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Bandwidth: 200 MHz
4 Channels
Real Time Sample Rate: 200 MS/s
Max. Record Length: 100 kpts/Ch
User Interface: Full control via GPIB and RS-232-C
Network Connection: 10BaseT (optional)
Display: 8.4" Color TFT-LCD with VGA, 640x480 Resolution
Advanced Display
Analog Persistence
Vertical Resolution: 8 bits
Sensitivity: 2 mV – 10 V/div fully variable
DC Gain Accuracy: ±(1.5% +0.5% of full scale)

The LeCroy LT224 features a user interface that is simple to learn and use, making it easy to take advantage of the scope's unique capabilities. SMART Trigger and SMART Memory let you capture signals while maintaining the maximum resolution and accuracy.

The large, crisp 8.4" TFT flat display with analog and color-graded persistence makes it easy to view and measure signals, as well as locate rare signal problems. The LT224 includes automatic measurements, waveform math functions, and analysis capabilities so you can average sweeps, enhance vertical resolution, and use FFT to view a signal's frequency spectrum

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