OBI-WAN KENOBI EPISODE 4 BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs & Details You Missed!

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Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 4 takes us to the Fortress Inquisitorius on Nur, as Obi-Wan and Tala stage a dramatic rescue of Leia from Reva and the other Inquisitors, in an episode that mirrors Jedi Fallen order and Star Wars A New Hope. Erik Voss breaks down every Star Wars Easter Egg you missed in Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x04! Where does the Jedi runaway Path lead? Who are each of the Jedi corpses in the tomb?

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Comically Inclined Studios
Karen Wang
Rick Denmon

Producer: Zach Huddleston
Producer: Brandon Barrick
Writer: Erik Voss
Writer/Host: MasterTainment
Writer/Host: Whitney Van Laningham
Post Production Supervisor: Riley Auskelis
Staff Editors: Drew Coombs, Joshua Steven Hurd, & Songvit Kiatpiryia
Editors: Devin Cleary, Kelly Joule, Cody Kenner, Cape Sandlin
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The way the Inquisitors just watched the speeder fly away at the end really made me sympathize with Director Krennic. I literally yelled "Are we blind, Deploy the Garrison! Move"


You can see the gate officer that let tala into the fortress being scolded by other officers😂


If Jedi Fallen Order is canon, that means that the Fortress Inquisitorius has been flooded for the second time. I hope the engineers that built the facility have a strategy for reinforcing those windows. If one blaster shot is enough to fracture them, that seems like a considerable weakness. One stormtrooper forgets to put his safety on and the whole place is compromised.


I love how we see Obi Wan shaking off his rusty skills.
Even though he was a master on the council, he probably hasn't used the force or his lightsaber since his fight with Anakin, anyone would be rusty with a decade of no training to keep their skills up to par.


Seeing Darth Vader even at a light jog is very intimidating indeed. Makes me think why we haven't seen him run in the past.


The line from Obi-Wan “this isn’t a fortress…it’s a tomb” is said *exactly* like Boromir’s line in Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring about Moria: “This is no mine…it’s a tomb”. This is an appropriate nod, as this was the moment they both realized the truth about the locations they were in, and how far from their expectations they were.


The tomb line sounded a lot like lord of the rings “this is no mine, this is a tomb”


I had a feeling of that Lola had a tracker when Reva was toying with it and that of it just not destorying it.


Seeing Master Sinube in that tomb brought tears to my eyes. He was only in a few episodes of Clone Wars, and wasn't a main character, but seeing such a familiar Jedi dead really brought forth the horror of the Purge. I half expected Obi-Wan to whisper the names of a few of these Jedi and tear up himself, especially when he saw the kid. The kid was a shot to the heart, lemme tell ya, even more than Master Sinube.

I wonder, though - are those people all dead, or are they in some sort of hibernation? I didn't see any obvious wounds on any of them - no lightsaber scores or blaster wounds. Nothing says you can't be frozen in amber the same as you can be in carbonite. Maybe some of them might even be rescued one day. Maybe the Imperial Remnant still has some of those frozen Jedi and Moff Gideon was using them in his experiments, and maybe Din Djarin or Ahsoka will free some of them in future episodes. There's a potential story there.


I think Wade survived and is going to be fine, and refuse to even consider otherwise. He was too beloved a character to just toss in the sea. He'll swim in through the busted basement windows.


overall the episode was alright but it was weird how they tried to make wade's death a really sad moment when we learned who wade was like 30 seconds before and he said less than a sentence


Find it so interesting that Vaders bacta tank is so cloudy compared to Obi-Wans. Vader having so much more healing needed must make the tank have to be refilled with fresh fluid more often possibly.


One of the best easter eggs in this episode: the two stormtroopers in the hallway mention the T-15s


I was hoping that Leia would have said "they're on Dantooine" while talking with Reva. It would have been a nice little joke.


I call back to Yoda saying “Do or do not, there is no try” and it’s really showing in this episode which Kenobi trying to move that little box thingy and then in the later scenes of him just do it


11:01 "It's a tomb!" is not only the same cadence but the same words as spoken when the Fellowship entered Moria and realized no dwarves were left to greet them.


I like how you can also see the officer that let Tala through the checkpoint is being reprimanded in the same scene.


At some point, surely we are going to see a lot of Hayden as Anakin. They haven't needed him just to be in the suit, really.


At 11:02 I love how the door looks like Vader with red eyes, makes the scene even creepier for me


Great job as always with breaking down the episodes while keeping it somewhat objective and and open mind. Sick of other videos giving their negative opinion on a series that hasn't finished yet. This video was a breath of fresh air.
