Med Student describes HPSP Application Process

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When I began my Health Professions Scholarship Program application I couldn't find very many resources about the actual process. I relied heavily on military websites and what my recruiters told me. The HPSP can be an incredible opportunity for medical students. But there are some things that recruiters won't tell you. Unfortunately, the information I found and was given was not very accurate. This is my story about the frustrations, difficulty, and warnings about the HPSP.

HPSP Fact Sheet
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Thank you for the honest review. Other HPSP videos don’t go in great detail or just sound fake to me.


I'm sorry that you had to experience that frustrating and stressful process. I admire your perseverance and despite the fact that it might not have worked out for you. I'm sure that with your positive attitude, you will succeed and find another way to pay for medical school. I wish you the best of luck and thank you for making this video, it was super helpful. :)


Sorry to hear that your experience was stressful and didn’t work out for you I have a daughter currently in the AF, recipient of the HPSP, and a second year attendee. I also have a son who is currently going through this process and is starting med school this year. It is a lengthy process to say the least but so far everything has been going smoothly for him. Good luck in med school, I’m sure you will do great!


I wish they were more transparent with you. But I am inspired by your resilience and determination for something you clearly cared about.


When things don’t work out despite you trying really really hard, it’s usually because your guardian angel is stopping things in your favor. Maybe there’s something in the future that would be detrimental for you had you joined. Kinda like how sometimes we are delayed with tons of red lights on the way to work because we would be in a car accident had we been in a location earlier. Trust that this isn’t your path, and like someone said, you prob dodge a bullet. Good luck on your journey🙂


I have the VA HPSP. No military commitment. But I agree to work in a VA facility post residency. We also receive free tuition and a monthly stipend. It’s a fairly newer program but definitely has great perks.

As far as residency, you can choose any residency outside of pediatrics (since VAs don’t serve peds).


Excited to see the channel grow, and excited for you as a med student Congrats !


I thought about doing HPSP. I got accepted into med school but honestly I’m thinking about not even doing it now because it’s crazy dealing with the military. I loved my time in service but it’s not like I can’t live without. A lot of HPSP providers I worked with in the army discourage medics or even future applicants from applying. I’d rather use my GI bill for med school than hpsp. But I’m sorry it didn’t workout for you.


You should check out the HPSP for the VA, the process is a lot easier


That’s why, if you had any medical issue in the past, if it doesn’t bother you anymore, don’t say anything. Like say, a broken hand at age 14, (no It wasn’t me just an example) they have no access to your medical records, so they can’t tell if that happened or not. Now auto immune disorders, you’ll have to be up front about and so is histamine intolerance, dental problems, acute/chronic diseases etc)


Your rep should have let you know with the number of medical issues you had previously, it was definitely going to be an issue. The military is a stickler for all members being in perfect health and having insignificant prior issues. The process is very smooth for those candidates; unfortunately you were misadvised. Wish you well. In long term you will make more money out of military anyway!


This is the most military story ever lol


It's too bad that you didn't just forget you ever had that jaw problem since they would have never found out if you never mentioned it.


Your experience is based on your ur recruiters basically is what I’ve learned. I have HPSP


Honestly, you dodged a bullet. Even if you go into 300k of debt, depending on your specialty, you could still be debt free within 8 years post-residency. And there are always those loan forgiveness positions where they'll pay your loans for you if you work for them for 10 years.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is there is always a way and you will have opportunities pop up for you. Good luck man.


Jack, sorry to hear about your bad experience. Have you tried the Army or Navy? I'm a former Army HPSP recipient and I highly recommend it. It opened so many doors for me even after I separated from the Army. I've heard the AF is very strict about pre-existing health conditions. You may find the Army a bit more forgiving and more willing to approve waivers. Don't give up. Call your local Army healthcare recruiter.


Wow. I didn't realize they had changed the GPA requirement. It use to be a 3.0. Man, I'm sorry you went through that! This sounds like some ish you go through with the army. I know, because I went through hell with them.


Will being slightly color blind disqualify me from the MEPS?


So as someone with 3 broken bones, and a weight lost 100lbs I shouldn’t apply?


Wow I'm so sorry that this was your experience... Ugh that is ridiculous
