Why NO ONE Plays: Ridley | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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Back with another Why NO ONE Plays episode! Today I wanted to discuss a character who at one point was considered "too big" to be part of the Smash Bros roster but... here he is! Too big and all- for better or worse.

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If Ridley was a DLC, he'd weigh as much as Piranha Plant, have the same amount of jumps as Dedede and Plasma Breath would be able to be kept charged


I feel like the devs held back with Ridley. He's just a couple minor changes from being high tier but instead he's low or mid tier at besy


I feel like it was a MASSIVE missed opportunity choosing to make his down-air that awful stall and fall instead of his iconic downward tail stab.


8:19 this interaction made me quit playing Ridley and start maining Vegeta


I main Ridley no matter what "Tier" he is. I wanted him, I got him, I play him.


I think his simplicity yet brutality makes me love playing and watching him, and tbh I’m just glad he’s in the game and he’s my 2nd most used character


On the topic of ridley, I wanted to shoutout Paco, the number 1 player in argentina, doing it all with solo ridley. He also placed 13th at Ultra Hard, the platinum SWT major in brazil

Dude's absolutely crazy to watch


I secondary ridley and must say, I see the flaws but gosh darn it, he's so fun to play.


I've wanted Ridley since I was 9 years old. They revealed him when I was 16. I play almost exclusively Ridley.


Little Mac is a glass cannon with too much glass, Ridley is a glass cannon without enough cannon.


I’m actually very curious about this. Ridley is one of those characters that I feel is just buried under a heavy amount of propaganda that he’s “bad” because all the Ridley mains I see kick some serious ass, or they keep sets close at least.


Whoo, my main.

I use Ridley's much maligned d-air surprisingly often since I have trouble intercepting certain recoveries with other aerials. The hitbox stays out for a long time and you can make it back to the ledge if you use it from a full hop.


As someone who mains ridley since day one release I can tell that this man spits facts.


It's hard to explain this to someone who doesn't play Ridley without getting an "every character has weaknesses" response, but you really broke it all down and articulated it well. Very well covered.


As a ridley main it pleases me to see this. He's undoubtelbly the most often forgotten character in the game imo, and the problem with him is that you can't really get around Ridley's flaws ; if your opponent is good enough to take advantage of them then they will, as you explained with the very accurate concept of linearity. He's an absolute blast to play though


I will also say through patches. Ridley was constantly getting nerf through bug fixes. I swear during the beta of smash ultimate his damage output was way higher. Not to mention if you landed down special you were allowed to combo it into f-smash. People said it was too broken and they got rid of it before letting anybody trying it. Meanwhile Bowser has a lot going for him. But for everybody I think we all can say what bothers us the most about him is his weight.


This video made a bitter old Ridley main smile.


As a Ridley main, I think they were afraid to give him the tools he needed. Ridley should weigh more and at least have 4 jumps, if they really don't want to give him 6 jumps like Dedede or Jigglypuff


Ridley main here! I'm in so much pain... now I am by no means a professional player, but in my opinion (and roughly 1000 hours of playing JUST Ridley) his disadvantage state is one of the worst. He is easy combo food, and the only way out of many combos is to hope your opponent messes up. You also have to play near perfectly to KEEP an advantage state. One or two little mistakes means you are right back to neutral or even straight back into advantage.
Despite everything, my big dragon boi is still by far my favorite character and is the most fun for me. Great video Vars! Glad to see more talk about the goodest boi.


As a ridley main, I feel like his biggest weakness is the fact that his fastest out of shield is frame 9. This means that most top tiers can just poke his shield for free with better frame data. If he had something like bowser up B, I'm confident he would be significantly more popular.
