Abstract Algebra II: Smith Normal Form for Abelian Groups, 4-7-17

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I doubt it's intentional, and it's possible that I'm misreading your character given my very brief exposure to your teaching method, so please don't take offense. You're coming off insanely pompous especially seeing as how you're teaching what appears to be an undergraduate course (or possibly some kind of series of lectures for interested high school students) to people who clearly don't have a strong background in Algebra. This together with the relatively superficial treatment of the material you're presenting gives me the impression that this course was designed to be a first introduction to the subject. I don't know what your qualifications or expertise are, but you don't need to speak to your class so condescendingly. The best profs I had during my undergrad were the ones who never made you feel stupid. This kind of arrogance is so detrimental, especially in a math class. When people feel stupid they don't feel motivated to ask questions. A lack of curiosity in mathematics is what KILLS this field. Without people asking "stupid" questions, very few results would ever be discovered or published. Mathematics thrives on the constant insatiable curiosity of mathematicians. Please encourage a generation to explore that curiosity.
