What Is Bowtie Analysis?

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Every work­place comes with haz­ards. Bowtie Analy­sis is a pow­er­ful risk analy­sis tool used to iden­ti­fy, eval­u­ate, and address spe­cif­ic haz­ards with­in your orga­ni­za­tion, whether that be a chem­i­cal spill on a fac­to­ry floor or a med­ical error in a hos­pi­tal. Learn how this tool, which com­bines fea­tures of Fault Tree Analy­sis and Event Analy­sis, can shed light on all kinds of poten­tial issues and how you can inter­vene before these risks cause real damage.

Gemba Academy’s Bowtie Analysis course is comprised of 4 videos:
What Is Bowtie Analysis?
The Seven Key Bowtie Analysis Terms
How to Do Bowtie Analysis
Getting Started with Bowtie Analysis

You can watch the full video on our site here:

This course is part of a broader training program in the School of Lean. Gemba Academy’s ever-expanding library of Lean train­ing mate­r­i­al helps work teams develop a con­sis­tent, con­tin­u­ous improve­ment mind­set.


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This course and others can be found among many other series in our School of Lean

Preview some of the top courses found in our School of Lean:
"5S"- The method­ol­o­gy focus­es on cre­at­ing a clean and order­ly work­space that expos­es waste and makes it easy to iden­ti­fy prob­lems or abnor­mal­i­ties as they emerge.

"The Kaizen Way" Part-phi­los­o­phy, part-action plan, Kaizen relies on every­one from C‑suite exec­u­tives to front-line work­ers con­tin­u­ous­ly mak­ing small changes any­where that there’s poten­tial for improvement.
Done right, Kaizen uni­fies an organization’s col­lec­tive tal­ent pool and turns it into a pow­er­ful improve­ment engine, result­ing in high­er-qual­i­ty prod­ucts, more effi­cient process­es, and hap­pi­er customers.

"The Seven Deadly Wastes"
There are sev­en (and some­times 8) types of iden­ti­fied wastes that are keep­ing your orga­ni­za­tion from reach­ing its full poten­tial. This is not just a man­u­fac­tur­ing prob­lem, all indus­tries can ben­e­fit from iden­ti­fy­ing and elim­i­nat­ing wastes.

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