How To Crouch | With Animations - Unreal Engine Tutorial

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Hey guys, in today's video, I'm going to be showing you how to set up a crouching system. This will allow you to crouch underneath objects, with animations and transitions too. You can either toggle the crouch or hold to crouch.

#Ue4 #UnrealEngine4 #Ue4Tutorial
00:00 - Intro
00:17 - Overview
00:48 - Setting Up
02:50 - Crouching
05:24 - Animations
11:07 - Final Overview
11:48 - Outro



Thank you :)
♫Music By♫
●Kronicle - Chill Noons
Рекомендации по теме

I can't believe that's the first time i've seen someone use the "straighten pin". OMG TY. I can't believe i missed that. - i'm about to spend 3 hours straightening all my old script haha. Ty for all your tutorials - between you and Ryan Laley i've learned so much in 2 months.


Damn, this is awesome. Helping me loads! Now I'll take this knowledge and use it to create the toon when holding a rifle, axe, etc. while jumping, crouching, running, etc.
Subscribed! 😃😃


Thank a lot! this tutorial is better than the 2020 tuto


I have a problem: I don't know if it's me or the animation. One of the fingers on the mannequin's right hand is bugging weirdly. It's the ring finger.


you rock matt, aload of my games credits shall be "matt aspland for code regarding (inserts massive list)" keep it up!


Thank you so much it works perfectly Subscribed! 😃😃


Your tutorials have been really helpful lately. Is it possible for you to make a video on a first person gun not clipping through walls??


really nice to know that im not the only one that uses the C to crouch xD


Helloo thanks for the tutorial! But this is not using the "Stand To Crouch" or "Crouch to Stand" animations you added.
Going into crouch is almost instant in your own preview, while the "stand to crouch" animation is very smooth and takes way longer.
Could you take a look to see why these animations aren't being used in this tutorial?


could you duplicate everything already built for crouching rename it prone adjust the capsule half height and speed choose prone animations and have it work?


this video is kinda old but it just skips the crouching start anim and the crouching end anim and immediately goes to the loop. why does this happen? i followed your tutorial closely and my animations are perfectly fine. Edit: for some reason, Standing to Crouch to Crouch loop had to have the float switched (<>)


How can you make a smooth crouch with a camera not socket in to the mesh (capsule)?


Great vid as usual, just got into UE and I'm starting your videos from the back, sometimes I go out of order like here, I was wondering if you found a way to limit the camera jump during the crouch. You can see it a little at the end of your vid if you watch the floor it kinda goes up and down as you crouch, is there a way to make this transition a little more smooth?


hey, what is the difference between this and the previous crouching tutorial?


I got this up and working for my character, but I have made the camera view first person and the camera doesn't move down.. I'm really struggling with figuring out how to place a timeline node? I think that's what I've read I need. Any guidance on getting the camera to also crouch would be amazing. The camera is nested in the mesh, and the mesh is nested in the capsule, if that means anything.

Thanks so much, hope ya'll are safe and well!


Wll I have locomotion setup and whole different set up for character movement using vector lenght and aim rotation so this method wont work


Amazing tutorial mate!
Just a question : What if we un-crouch while under a wall? (I presume we have to use line traces to avoid that, right?)


Love your tutorials Matt, when I jump and press the action to crouch it bobbles, haven't found how to stop it, Its because the capsule changes its size, guess It could be done by making a new crouching function, and not using UE4 created one??


Hi Matt. So I created my animation blueprint following your latest video. However when I go to my new characters animation BP to add in these nodes at 5.34, it is completely different to the event graph showing in this video. This is the UE4 Mannequins animeBP your showing. So I am just wondering where I would be slotting in these new nodes given that mine looks like the SWAT animationBP from your previous video?


I have a question how i cant make my character not move during the crouching animation? i mean if i press crtl left i got crouch but if i press w to moving the characther this get moving on without the animation finish yet and pass to the next trasition
