Digital transformation: Why is it taking so long for Germany to go digital? | Meet the Germans

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"Digitalization" has been a buzzword in German politics for years. But sometimes it feels like Germany is still, well, very analog. What's being done to change that? And do people in Germany even want to go digital? Rachel Stewart finds out on this week's Meet the Germans.

Rachel moved from the UK to Germany in 2016. As a relative newcomer she casts a fresh eye over German clichés and shares her experiences of settling into German life. Every two weeks she explores a new topic for Meet the Germans – from saunas to asparagus or the ins and outs of German small talk. This week it's all about the digital age.

#MeettheGermans #Digitalization #RachelStewart
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Germans: we dont care for digitalisation

Covid 19: Imma about to ruin this whole country's career


An important factor that's missing: Germany has the highest average age in the world, tied only with Japan. In Germany, if the boomers don't like it, it isn't done.


that's a little bit sad, i came from Brazil to Berlin, and it's weard to say that back in Brazil people starve, but have better internet than in berlin. LOL


I recently moved from India to Germany and when I went to buy a SIM card, I was looking out for unlimited 4G internet plans as usual. The o2 guy looked at me puzzled and asked, 'Why would anyone need unlimited internet on a mobile phone??'


I am happy that my fax machine can finally do YouTube.


I am working in Digitalization in Franfkurt and the key reason it's taking so long is because people are averse to Change. Germans love to maintain the status quo from same Chancelor for 20 years to same shops in the Christmas market every year ! In the end it's not about the technology but people.


The telephone lines in our street date back to the
third Reich ... so does our internet speed ... in a German city of 300.000 inhabitants ...


German IT supporter here. What I was able to observe regarding the companies is that companies led by younger people are up to Date, have social Media, data security, Digital archives, Home Office and much more. Most of the time the companies are led by older people though, which dont understand the pros and cons of digitalisation and dont want to learn it. The Company worked for the last 50 years so it will work in the future.
They use computers, but dont know how to use them and make sometimes fatal mistakes that can ruin them. The reason? When you try to explain the Situation they only hear the cost for "unnessessary" things. I have seen not just one Company go bankrupt because of it.
Another Thing why we have so much Paper: we must have a physical archive of pretty much everything in the Company. I am not Sure if it was 10 or 20 years, but its way too long. A Well managed Digital archive off site would use less space, less Paper and had less cost.
As for schools: they are seriously lacking behind, not because All the teachers are stupid (some are), there are quite capable people. School dont get nearly enough money to digitalize everything, so they are stuck with computers for a few rooms.


Reasons (from my point of view being a German):
1. The country is run by old companies and old people that have no clue about modern stuff.
2. Germany lives in a bubble, somewhat disconnected from the rest of the world with outdated information.
3. The law says, you have to keep a physical copy of all kinds of paperwork for at least 10 years, as far as i remember.
4. Germany has an old and traditional society with very little movement, young people can hardly progress and change things.
5. German laws are still dating back to way back when, so being legally save with new stuff and tech is hard to achieve.
6. Germans have problems understanding the difference between costs and investment. A lot of people see an investment as costs.
7. The success of the german industry and the wealth of "the good old times" makes people blind to see, that the rest of the world has already passed many German standards by far. A lot of Germans (unfortunately mainly those who run things) are stuck in their believes from the past.
8. Big and old companies are slow to move and change. Politics and Companies are so mixed up and depending on another, so that neither of them loose power and influence. Both are not interested in new companies and new politics rising and taking away their power and influence. Progress is getting delayed and no-progress is getting excused, so that old industry and politics can slowly adapt and keep their power and influence. For me, that is why young politicians and start-up companies having hard times in Germany.
10. There are many other complex reasons for this country, however, as for me the combination of the mentioned points 1-9 already should make clear, even if i am only half correct, that in modern times and globalisation, this is toxic for the majority of the german citizens and their future. For the "old money" however, there is no disadvantage, they probably can just move if things are getting too tight. As long as the majority of people are still believing, that they are doing good, nothing will change. Young people and poor people that want change have no lobby and no voice. "Every nail that sticks out has to be tapped into the row".
It's not all bad alright, i admit, but this country is far from that perfect, as foreigners often paint a picture of it. Japan is indeed similar, as i see it, since everything said above probably matches there too. Germany and Europe and Japan needs to re-invent themselves before it is too late, but with all the old folks on the money and power, there is a long way ahead of us.



Basically we Germans have more electronics in our cars than our homes. I find it really odd to be honest, since I'm studying informatics and therefore love technology. Our government isn't really capable of pushing though the digitization. We only get slow internet improvements and our internet bills are far to expensive compared to other countries


You forgot something. Anything you don‘t have on paper with a signature is worthless. I wanted to show that I paid something at the DMV on my phone: „What shall I do get a stamp on it and put it away? Get me a paper copy and come back.“


I was expecting a snarky comment about Google street view :)


I like the way you project facts with humour! Great work.... keep it up


One week of quarantine did more digitalisation for germany then the politics of the last 20 years


Dang another video in 2 weeks that's awesome


I was waiting for the Overhead-Projektor to be mentioned when talking about german schools.


Excellent piece! Thank you Rachel! This is not a culture of " the old ways" it is about finding a balance with the appropriate use of technology .


It's weird Brazil gets shamed by other countries in many aspects but when we get to the digitalization chapter we are VERY forward... it's been more than 10 years that I don't step into a bank/bus/traditional hotel/printing services/phone to book something and so on...


I like that old lady's word "it doesn't concern me much but I know it is important". Just because it doesn't matter to you doesn't mean you should discard it. No wonder Germany is highly developed nation.


I left Germany in 2012 when I was told that a much needed internet tower was going to be built near my old office. I returned this August 2021, and the internet company has only installed the tower. No antenna attached yet. Allegedly, it's going to be installed this November. Right. Of 2041 maybe.
