Mom Stands Up To California Legislature Against Radical Gender Bill

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NEW: Erin Friday, a parent and attorney, deliveres a stellar testimony before the California Senate Judicial Cmte. against AB 957.

She obliterated Rep. Wilson's backpedaling on "child abuse" claims and vague terminology.
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Dear parents, Arkansas is not the best state, but we protect our kids from this BS!!!


Let’s have kids decide if they want: tattoos, cigarettes, sex, to eat junk food all day, drive, drink alcohol, sleep when they want and on and on. Oh wait we don’t allow that. Yet this same kid is allowed to decide what sex they are before they finish grade school. Insanity.


The bill passed, California parents don't want this they are just to lazy to say it.


Yes but ignore the actual child abuse of letting your 14-year-old just hide behind a fake identity while you ignore their mental disorder or even go so far as to cut off healthy body parts?


I live in CA this is scary and satanic !!


Very dangerous law for so many reasons. The UK and Scandinavian countries are leading the world in conducting evidence -based research into the dangers of gender affirming care. Such research has already been done previously and does not favour the affirming model. This model is based on queer theory and activism, not on science. Erin Friday speaks truth and does excellent work trying to safeguard these vulnerable children and shine a light on this abuse.


sorry, I’m a teacher, & I will report IMMEDIATELY to the parents anything & everything going on with their children! I am not calling a child a unicorn, & I will quit before i entertain this delusional sickness. I keep saying it; behaviour like this should be punishable by law, but they’re getting away with it because they’re in on it. I remember a time when an adult couldn’t even speak to a child inappropriately & now all is happening?!?

well, if that’s the case, I feel I should be able to wear my BDSM gear to my kindergarten class, & explain why I wear it, who i wear it with, then get them to act out scenes that I do… that sounds legit, right!? what is happening!?!?!? prosecute these gro*mers!


2019 - "We're not coming for your kids, we swear!"
2023 - "We're coming for your kids, we swear."


I was babysitting my little sister one night. She got mad at me because I told her it was time for bed. (She wanted to stay up and watch TV.) She ran to the phone. I asked, "Who are you calling?" She said, "The child abuse hotline!" It was funny at the time (she was 5 years old!), but seeing this California law, it's chilling to think kids can turn in their parents.


God bless you, and more people should stand up to this systematic evil. A collision of lawyers and child protection activists should start to help these innocent kids


Weird that from the time I started school at 5 years old up until I finished high school at 18 years old, there wasn't one single trans/non binary kid that I knew of. Now they're all over the place...hmm I wonder why.


Boy if I had kids, I'd sure be home schooling them. Time to be parents. Teach your kids the values you hope to instill in them. Stop letting them gorge themselves on social media. Stop buying them phones. Good luck to all you parents out there. xo


Cali parents and just all citizens, you need to fight against this bill!


This is one smart Mom. Thank you for your testimony. This world has gone mad.


Stand up against evil, we are the parents not the state.


What is a boy? What is a girl? How do you know you are the opposite?
As Kindergarten Cop so clearly stated it all those years ago "boys have a penis and girls have a vagina".
Who cares if a girl likes masculine things (she might just be a tomboy, but she's still a girl!). A little boy might like playing with dolls and fashion, he might grow up to be gay or a fashion designer. Just because you like something of the opposite "sex" doesn't mean you are the opposite sex. Your likes, passions, dreams are what make you unique, not conforming to radicalized body dismorphia. MSM says "love yourself". What that really means is love yourself as you are. If you start whacking off body parts you are no longer yourself but a caricature of what you once were.


Folks, take notice. This lady is very educated and has done her research. Listen to the way she describes the situation. Yes, she's a lawyer and her discussion is legalistic BUT this is the way you get across to lawmakers...


"Belief in science"

It's not a belief, it's a fact, and this woman is a great individual


Call a realtor, list the house, and take the kids to a Red State to raise them, it has sadly come to this!


Dear God! That poor Mother. Heart Breaking Story!. Just heartbreaking. Am crying for her and her daughter. God Bless from Ireland. You are in my prayers. 🙏🙏🕊🕊☘☘
