Tweetie, brave bird. Tale for children.

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Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Tweetie who lived in a big, beautiful tree. Tweetie loved to sing and play with his bird friends in the forest. One day, while playing with his friends, Tweetie heard a loud noise coming from a nearby field. Curious, Tweetie flew over to see what was making the noise.
When he arrived at the field, Tweetie saw a group of animals gathered around a big machine. The animals looked scared and confused, and the machine was making loud, scary noises. Tweetie decided to investigate and flew closer to the machine. As he got closer, he saw that the machine was tearing up the ground and destroying the animals' homes.
Tweetie knew he had to do something to help. He flew back to his tree and gathered all of his bird friends. Together, they flew back to the field and began singing a beautiful song. The animals heard the song and came out of hiding to see what was happening. The birds explained to the animals that they were there to help and that they would do everything they could to stop the machine from destroying their homes.
The birds and animals worked together to stop the machine. They used their strength and teamwork to pull out the machine's cables and turn it off. The animals cheered and thanked the birds for their help.
From that day on, the birds and animals became good friends and worked together to protect their home in the forest. Tweetie learned that sometimes, it takes courage and teamwork to make a difference, and he felt proud to have helped his friends. And whenever they felt scared or unsure, they would sing the beautiful song they sang that day, reminding them of the power of teamwork and friendship.
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