,,Are you seriously implying that you jump off the roof?' the world's a little blurry Billie Eilish

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Part of Billies new documentary the world's a little blurry. Thanks for watching this video, don"t forget to like and subrscribe! if you liked the video share it with your friend! I hope you enjoy! love xx

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#BillieEilish #TheWorldsALittleBlurry

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“This song is the reason I don’t.”

I can’t imagine a world where she did


I love how Maggie cares so much about her and I could hear Maggie's voice nearly shatter into tears it was heart breaking


Her mom, finneas, and her father, are so caring I’m so happy that she has them because they are so supportive and understanding and this makes me sad how much her mother is hurt


how she looks while maggie asked that broke me


Damn imagine being able to show your true feelings to your family


Notice how throughout her life, her parents never tried to *invalidate* her depressive feelings, and instead asked her if she really felt that way. Throughout my teenage years, my parents would always say, "Why are you always so negative?" or "So I guess you don't appreciate everything you have."

It's incredibly damaging to have your child feel "wrong" for being depressed. It causes them to think they're the only one in the world who is depressed, and that everyone else is truly 100% happy. Now at 28 I still have bad anxiety and am in constant fear of my depression returning. But seeing how Billie, at such a *young* age, is smart enough to acknowledge mental health needs; it gives me hope for our children. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to say you're not okay. It's okay to know you're someone who needs help. And may we all have someone to understand us as she does.


I liked how Finneas just let Billie answer their mom and didn’t interfere so that Billie could say what was on her mind


When I saw her face while she was looking at the camera my heart broke. I have never seen so much pain in her eyes and her face before, it sucks she felt like this for a long time. So let's take advantage of how happy she is now


Even though maggie was talking to billie, i got so scared when she asked that. Its terrifying to open up about this matter or to express and show your depression to your family cause they just dont understand and start invalidating you. I dont want to make my parents angry so i just keep it down with my vulnerable side. The fact that she can be so open and vulnerable to her family and brother is so heartwarming and safe that i seriously envy that so much.


“having this way of saying it instead of doing it is better”


“Having this way of saying it instead of doing it is better” that hits...


I’m glad her mom doesn’t stop her, but she makes sure she’s okay with everything that could happen.


I think its a bad sign that when I heard Maggie questioned billie I got terrified like my heart dropped for a second because whenever my mom would start questioning me it would turn into a whole argument about me not appreciating anything but I'm so happy billie has such supportive parents and don't invalidate how she feels


her face when she said that seems so... idk kid-like? like she looks like an innocent child looking at her mother lost for words. she looks so sad and i can’t imagine what maggie must have felt... billie is like her whole life...


She made "Listen Before I Go" when she was depressed. Writing it and turning it into a song is her therapy.


honestly even though maggie wasnt even asking me and i knew that billie was gonna be fine after. when maggie asked her about the song i got scared. it must be so nice to be so honest with your family and not hide your vulnerability. the o’connells are great parents


I can hear the pain in Maggie’s voice, it must be so hard knowing ur child is hurt, in depression, and wanting to kill themself, and she can’t do anything about it, it must be horrible as a mother...


This is the part that made me SOBBB it's so sad that one day she felt like that and her face when her mom asked her that made me so hurt, I love billie and all I want for her is to be happy


I imagine the sadness in the eyes of her mother listening to her daughter saying "this song is the reason I don't". Would break my heart


she looks so lost and hopeless here, I just wanted to hold her in that moment. Forever grateful she's doing well now though, she doesn't deserve this pain
