Linear Systems and Sparse Matrices with Numpy and Scipy
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A lot of problems in numerical methods boil down to solving systems of linear equations. In many cases, the matrices involved are very large. Fortunately, often one finds most of the entries of these are zero. These are referred to as sparse matrices. There are many advantages to being able to use sparse systems. Memory storage is greatly reduced as well as the ability to use algorithms custom built to perform fasted than with dense matrices. I’ll show Numpy’s basic ability to solve systems of linear equations, the I’ll revisit the stock monte carlo code from a previous video and treat it as a system of linear equations and use sparse matrix capabilities that are built in to Scipy to generate a simulated run of stock prices.
Linear Systems and Sparse Matrices with Numpy and Scipy
Sparse Matrices - Intro to Parallel Programming
Solving Sparse Linear Systems With Trilinos.jl | Bart Janssens | JuliaCon 2018
7.1.1 What is a sparse matrix
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Sparse Matrices - Linear Algebra for Data Science - Tips & Tricks
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Applied Linear Algebra, Lesson 8, Video 4: Definition of Sparse Matrices
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Numpy and Scipy: Using Sparse Matrices to Speed up Calculations (part 1)
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006 Fast direct solvers for sparse matrices- Gunnar Martinsson
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Sparse Matrices to Speed up Calculations (Part 2): Partial Differential Equations - 1-D Diffusion
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